首页> 外文期刊>Nuclear Medicine Review >Iodine isotope (131I) therapy for toxic nodular goitre: treatment efficacy parameters

Iodine isotope (131I) therapy for toxic nodular goitre: treatment efficacy parameters




BACKGROUND: When planning radioactive iodine therapy, itfrequently happens, both in Poland and world-wide, that inadequateattention is paid to such easily measurable parametersas: 1) the serum concentration of thyrotropin (TSH) beforeadministering radioiodine, which is a key factor for extranodular(non-autonomous) iodine uptake of the thyroid gland, 2) thyroidgland iodine uptake, and 3) the effective half-life of 131I (Teff.). Theaim of the study is to evaluate the impact of the above factorson the efficacy of 131I treatment in hyperthyroid patients. METHODS: The material consisted of 4140 patients: 2190 withautonomous toxic nodules (ATN) and 1950 with toxic multinodulargoitres (TMG). The patients were prepared for treatment insuch a way that the concentration of TSH did not exceed 0.1 mU/land Teff.< 5 days. The therapeutic activity of 131I was calculatedusing Marinelli’s formula. The selection of absorbed dose valuewas determined by the degree of suppression of extranodulartissue. Monitoring was performed every eight weeks. RESULTS: At one year after 131I administration showed thata euthyroid status was achieved in 94%, hypothyroidism was?seen observed in 3%, while persistence or recurrence of hyperthyroidismin 3% of ATN patients and, respectively, 89%, 4% and7% of TMG patients. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with toxic nodular goitre who are to betreated with radioiodine should have the lowest possible serumconcentration of TSH. The suppression of extranodular determinesthe optimal value of absorbed dose for Marinelli’s formula.
机译:背景:在规划放射性碘治疗时,在波兰乃至世界范围内,经常发生的问题是对以下易于测量的参数的重视不足:1)施用放射性碘之前血清促甲状腺激素(TSH)的血清浓度,这是结节外的关键因素(非自主的)甲状腺的碘摄取; 2)甲状腺的碘摄取; 3)131I的有效半衰期(Teff。)。该研究的目的是评估上述因素对131I治疗甲状腺功能亢进患者的疗效的影响。方法:该材料由4140例患者组成:2190例具有自主毒性结节(ATN),1950例具有毒性多结节性甲状腺肿(TMG)。为患者准备的治疗应使TSH浓度不超过0.1 mU / land Teff。<5天。 131I的治疗活性是根据马里内利公式计算的。吸收剂量值的选择取决于结节外组织的抑制程度。每八周进行一次监测。结果:131I给药后一年显示,94%的患者甲状腺功能正常,3%的患者甲状腺功能减退,3%的ATN患者持续性或甲状腺功能亢进复发,分别占89%,4%和7%。 TMG患者。结论:要接受放射性碘治疗的毒性结节性甲状腺肿患者应将TSH的血清浓度降至最低。结节外压确定了马里内利公式的最佳吸收剂量值。



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