首页> 外文期刊>New York Journal of Mathematics >Boundary-twisted normal form and the number of elementary moves to unknot

Boundary-twisted normal form and the number of elementary moves to unknot




Suppose K is an unknot lying in the 1-skeleton of a triangulated 3-manifold with t tetrahedra. Hass and Lagarias showed there is an upper bound, depending only on t, for the minimal number of elementary moves to untangle K. We give a simpler proof, utilizing a normal form for surfaces whose boundary is contained in the 1-skeleton of a triangulated 3-manifold. We also obtain a significantly better upper bound of 2120t+14 and improve the Hass-Lagarias upper bound on the number of Reidemeister moves needed to unknot to 2105 n, where n is the crossing number.
机译:假设K是位于带有t个四面体的三角3分形歧管的1个骨架中的一个小结。 Hass和Lagarias表明,解开K的基本运动的最小数量有一个上限,仅取决于t。我们提供了一个简单的证明,对边界包含在三角形的1骨架中的曲面使用正则形式3个流形。我们还获得了更好的2120t + 14上限,并提高了Hass-Lagarias上限,以使Reidemeister移动的数量达到2105 n,其中n是交叉数。



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