首页> 外文期刊>New York Journal of Mathematics >Modules with Injective Cohomology, and Local Duality for a Finite Group

Modules with Injective Cohomology, and Local Duality for a Finite Group




Let G be a finite group and k a field of characteristic p dividing |G|.Then Greenlees has developed a spectral sequence whose E2 term is the local cohomology of H*(G,k) with respect to the maximal ideal, and which convergesto H*(G,k). Greenlees and Lyubeznik have used Grothendieck's dual localizationto provide a localized form of this spectral sequence with respect to a homogeneous prime ideal p in H*(G,k), and converging to the injective hullIp of H*(G,k)/p.The purpose of this paper is give a representation theoretic interpretation ofthese local cohomology spectral sequences. We construct a double complex based onRickard's idempotent kG-modules, and agreeing with the Greenlees spectral sequencefrom the E2 page onwards. We do the same for the Greenlees-Lyubeznik spectral sequence, except that we can only prove that the E2 pages are isomorphic, notthat the spectral sequences are. Ours converges to the Tate cohomology of thecertain modules κp introduced in a paper of Benson, Carlsonand Rickard. This leads us to conjecture that hatH*(G,κp)≅ Ip, after a suitable shift in degree. We draw some consequencesof this conjecture, including the statement that κp is a pure injective module. We are able to prove the conjecture in some cases, including the case where H*(G,k)p is Cohen-Macaulay.
机译:令G为特征p划分的有限群和ka场| G |。然后格林里斯开发了一个光谱序列,其E2项是关于最大理想的H *(G,k)的局部同调,并且收敛于H *(G,k)。 Greenlees和Lyubeznik已使用Grothendieck的双重定位相对于H *(G,k)中的同质素理想p提供了该光谱序列的局部形式,并收敛到H *(G,k)/ p的射入壳Ip。本文的目的是给出这些局部同调谱序列的表示理论解释。我们基于里卡德的幂等kG模块构造一个双重复合物,并从E2页开始与Greenlees光谱序列保持一致。我们对Greenlees-Lyubeznik频谱序列执行相同的操作,只是我们只能证明E2页面是同构的,而不能证明频谱序列是同构的。我们的研究收敛于Benson,Carlson和Rickard的论文中介绍的某些模块κp的Tate同源性。这使我们猜想 hatH *(G,κp)≅Ip经过适当的度数转换后。我们得出此猜想的一些后果,包括κp是纯内射模的陈述。我们可以在某些情况下证明猜想,包括H *(G,k)p为Cohen-Macaulay的情况。



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