首页> 外文期刊>North American Fungi >Hypogymnia pulverata (Parmeliaceae) and Collema leptaleum (Collemataceae), two macrolichens new to Alaska

Hypogymnia pulverata (Parmeliaceae) and Collema leptaleum (Collemataceae), two macrolichens new to Alaska

机译:催眠草(Parmeliaceae)和Collema leptaleum(Collemataceae),阿拉斯加的两个新的大型地衣



Hypogymnia pulverata is a foliose macrolichen distinguished by its solid medulla and laminal soredia. Though widespread in Asia, it is considered rare in North America, where it is currently known from three widely separated locations in Québec, Oregon, and Alaska.? We document the first report of this species from Alaska and from several new localities within south-central and southwestern Alaska. Collema leptaleum is a non-stratified, foliose cyanolichen distinguished by its multicellular, fusiform ascospores and a distinct exciple cell type. It is globally distributed, known most proximately from Kamchatka, Japan and eastern North America, but considered rare in Europe. It has not heretofore been reported from western North America. We report it from three locations in south-central Alaska.
机译:矮牵牛花是一种叶状大地衣,以其固态髓质和椎板性口疮为特征。尽管它在亚洲很普遍,但在北美却很少见,目前在魁北克,俄勒冈和阿拉斯加的三个相距遥远的地区都可以得知。我们记录了来自阿拉斯加以及阿拉斯加中南部和西南部几个新地方的该物种的首次报道。 Collema leptaleum是一种非分层的叶形氰青霉素,其特征在于其多细胞,梭形子囊孢子和独特的赋形细胞类型。它分布于全球,最著名的地方是日本的堪察加半岛和北美东部,但在欧洲却很少见。迄今为止,尚未从北美西部报道。我们从阿拉斯加中南部的三个位置报告该事件。



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