首页> 外文期刊>North American Fungi >Three new species of Hypogymnia (Ascomycota: Parmeliaceae) from the Bering Sea region, Alaska, and Russia

Three new species of Hypogymnia (Ascomycota: Parmeliaceae) from the Bering Sea region, Alaska, and Russia




Hypogymnia castanea? and? H. fistulosa? are newly described species of lichenized fungi (Ascomycota: Parmeliaceae), apparently restricted to oceanic tundra in the Bering Sea region.? Hypogymnia castanea? is so far known in Alaska only from the Seward Peninsula; it is also found in far east Russia.? Hypogymnia fistulosa? occurs at numerous localities on the Aleutian Islands, other islands in the Bering Sea, and the Seward Peninsula.? Hypogymnia lugubris? ssp.? beringiana? is elevated to the species level because of numerous morphological, chemical, and geographic differences from? H. lugubris? in the southern Hemisphere.? Hypogymnia beringiana? is a rare species from Alaska and Russia.
机译:健忘症和? H. fistulosa?是新描述的地衣真菌(Ascomycota:Parmeliaceae)物种,显然仅限于白令海地区的海洋苔原。健忘症到目前为止,仅在苏厄德半岛上才在阿拉斯加出名;在俄罗斯远东地区也可以找到它。失眠性瘘?发生在阿留申群岛,白令海其他岛屿和苏厄德半岛的许多地方。健忘症ssp。? beringiana?是否由于多种形态,化学和地理差异而将其提升到物种水平? H. lugubris?在南半球。失眠beringiana?是阿拉斯加和俄罗斯的稀有物种。



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