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Alternaria malorum : A mini-review with new records for hosts and pathogenicity




Modern host-fungus indices and databases contain deceptively few entries for? Alternaria malorum? or its synonym,? Cladosporium malorum . Close inspection of literature from the 1930s through the 1960s indicates more hosts and wider prevalence than more modern indices and databases indicate. Reports from 2002 to the present document diverse additional hosts in the Pacific Northwest, including this report from roots of? Pinus ponderosa? and? Pseudotsuga menziesii , the first reports from gymnosperms. Cherry tomato and grape tomato ( Lycopersicon esculentum ) were found to be hosts for? A. malorum? by artificial inoculation. Rarely documented in synoptic indices or databases in the last 20 years, the Cladosporium-like? C. malorum? is neither rare nor a true? Cladosporium.
机译:现代的主机-真菌索引和数据库似乎包含很少的条目?链霉菌吗?或它的同义词?毛霉枝孢霉。对1930年代至1960年代的文献进行的仔细检查表明,与更多现代索引和数据库所显示的相比,本书的寄主和患病率更高。从2002年至今的报告中,西北太平洋地区的其他主机数量有所不同,其中包括本报告的起源。黄松吗?和? Pseudotsuga menziesii,裸子植物的首次报道。发现樱桃番茄和葡萄番茄(Lycopersicon esculentum)是宿主?霉菌?通过人工接种。在过去的20年中,在天气索引或数据库中很少有类似Cladosporium的文献? C. malorum?既不稀有也不是真的?枝孢属。



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