首页> 外文期刊>New journal of physics >Adiabatic and Hamiltonian computing on a 2D lattice with simple two-qubit interactions

Adiabatic and Hamiltonian computing on a 2D lattice with simple two-qubit interactions




We show how to perform universal Hamiltonian and adiabatic computing using a time-independent Hamiltonian on a 2D grid describing a system of hopping particles which string together and interact to perform the computation. In this construction, the movement of one particle is controlled by the presence or absence of other particles, an effective quantum field effect transistor that allows the construction of controlled-NOT and controlled-rotation gates. The construction translates into a model for universal quantum computation with time-independent two-qubit ZZ and XX+YY interactions on an (almost) planar grid. The effective Hamiltonian is arrived at by a single use of first-order perturbation theory avoiding the use of perturbation gadgets. The dynamics and spectral properties of the effective Hamiltonian can be fully determined as it corresponds to a particular realization of a mapping between a quantum circuit and a Hamiltonian called the space–time circuit-to-Hamiltonian construction. Because of the simple interactions required, and because no higher-order perturbation gadgets are employed, our construction is potentially realizable using superconducting or other solid-state qubits.
机译:我们展示了如何在2D网格上使用与时间无关的哈密顿量执行通用哈密顿量和绝热计算,该系统描述了一个跳变粒子系统,这些粒子串在一起并相互作用以执行计算。在这种结构中,一个粒子的运动由其他粒子的存在或不存在来控制,这是一种有效的量子场效应晶体管,可以构造受控的NOT和受控的旋转门。该构造转化为通用量子计算模型,该模型具有(几乎)平面网格上与时间无关的两个量子位ZZ和XX + YY相互作用。有效的哈密顿量是通过仅使用一阶扰动理论来避免使用扰动小工具而得出的。有效的哈密顿量的动力学和光谱特性可以完全确定,因为它与量子电路和哈密顿量之间的映射的特定实现相对应,该映射称为时空电路到哈密顿量的构造。由于需要简单的交互作用,并且由于不使用更高阶的扰动小工具,因此我们的结构可以使用超导或其他固态量子位来实现。



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