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Higher-order local and non-local correlations for 1D strongly interacting Bose gas




Download video Transcript View all New J. Phys. video abstracts The correlation function is an important quantity in the physics of ultracold quantum gases because it provides information about the quantum many-body wave function beyond the simple density profile. In this paper we first study the M-body local correlation functions, g M , of the one-dimensional (1D) strongly repulsive Bose gas within the Lieb–Liniger model using the analytical method proposed by Gangardt and Shlyapnikov (2003 Phys. Rev. Lett. 90 010401; 2003 New J. Phys. 5 79). In the strong repulsion regime the 1D Bose gas at low temperatures is equivalent to a gas of ideal particles obeying the non-mutual generalized exclusion statistics with a statistical parameter , i.e. the quasimomenta of N strongly interacting bosons map to the momenta of N free fermions via with . Here γ is the dimensionless interaction strength within the Lieb–Liniger model. We rigorously prove that such a statistical parameter α solely determines the sub-leading order contribution to the M-body local correlation function of the gas at strong but finite interaction strengths. We explicitly calculate the correlation functions g M in terms of γ and α at zero, low, and intermediate temperatures. For M = 2 and 3 our results reproduce the known expressions for g 2 and g 3 with sub-leading terms (see for instance (Vadim et al 2006 Phys. Rev. A 73 051604(R); Kormos et al 2009 Phys. Rev. Lett. 103 210404; Wang et al 2013 Phys. Rev. A 87 043634). We also express the leading order of the short distance non-local correlation functions of the strongly repulsive Bose gas in terms of the wave function of M bosons at zero collision energy and zero total momentum. Here is the boson annihilation operator. These general formulas of the higher-order local and non-local correlation functions of the 1D Bose gas provide new insights into the many-body physics.
机译:下载视频抄本查看全部New J. Phys。视频摘要相关函数在超冷量子气体的物理学中非常重要,因为它提供了有关简单密度分布之外的量子多体波函数的信息。在本文中,我们首先使用Gangardt和Shlyapnikov提出的分析方法(2003 Phys.Rev.1)研究Lieb–Liniger模型中一维(1D)强排斥Bose气体的M体局部相关函数g M。 Lett.90010401; 2003 New J.Phys.579)。在强排斥状态下,一维玻色气体在低温下等同于理想粒子气体,其服从具有统计参数的非互斥统计,即N个强相互作用玻色子的拟定矩映射为N个自由费米子的动量。与。此处,γ是Lieb–Liniger模型中的无量纲相互作用强度。我们严格证明,这种统计参数α仅确定了在强但有限的相互作用强度下对气体的M体局部相关函数的次导阶贡献。我们在零,低温和中间温度下根据γ和α显式计算相关函数g M。对于M = 2和3,我们的结果使用副前导项重现了g 2和g 3的已知表达式(例如参见(Vadim等人2006 Phys.Rev.A 73 051604(R); Kormos等人2009 Phys.Rev。 (Lett。103 210404; Wang等人,2013 Phys。Rev. A 87 043634)。我们还根据M玻色子的波函数表示了强排斥玻色气体的短距离非局部相关函数的前导顺序。零碰撞能量和零总动量这是玻色子an灭算子这些一维玻色气体高阶局部和非局部相关函数的通用公式为多体物理学提供了新的见解。



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