首页> 外文期刊>NeuroImage: Clinical >Family history and APOE4 risk for Alzheimer's disease impact the neural correlates of episodic memory by early midlife

Family history and APOE4 risk for Alzheimer's disease impact the neural correlates of episodic memory by early midlife




Episodic memory impairment is a consistent, pronounced deficit in pre-clinical stages of late-onset Alzheimer's disease (AD). Individuals with risk factors for AD exhibit altered brain function several decades prior to the onset of AD-related symptoms. In the current event-related fMRI study of spatial context memory we tested the hypothesis that middle-aged adults (MA; 40–58 yrs) with a family history of late onset AD (MA + FH ), or a combined + FH and apolipoprotein E ε4 allele risk factors for AD (MA + FH + APOE4 ), will exhibit differences in encoding and retrieval-related brain activity, compared to ? FH ? APOE4 MA controls. We also hypothesized that the two at-risk MA groups will exhibit distinct patterns of correlation between brain activity and memory performance, compared to controls. To test these hypotheses we conducted multivariate task, and behavior, partial least squares analysis of fMRI data obtained during successful context encoding and retrieval. Our results indicate that even though there were no significant group differences in context memory performance, there were significant differences in brain activity and brain-behavior correlations involving the hippocampus, inferior parietal cortex, cingulate, and precuneus cortex in MA with AD risk factors, compared to controls. In addition, we observed that brain activity and brain-behavior correlations in anterior-medial PFC and in ventral visual cortex differentiated the two MA risk groups from each other, and from MA controls . Our results indicate that functional differences in episodic memory-related regions are present by early midlife in adults with + FH and + APOE-4 risk factors for late onset AD, compared to middle-aged controls. Highlights ? FMRI study of context memory in middle-aged adults (MA) with vs. without specific AD risk factors ? MA with vs. without AD risk factors show different angular gyrus, cingulate and precuneus activity patterns. ? MA with AD risk factors showed increased hippocampus activity at encoding, compared to controls. ? Medial PFC and visual cortex function differentiated + FH vs. + APOE4 MA risk groups.
机译:发作性记忆障碍是晚期阿尔茨海默氏病(AD)的临床前阶段的一致,明显的缺陷。具有AD危险因素的个体在与AD相关的症状发作之前的几十年中表现出大脑功能的改变。在当前与事件相关的功能性MRI对空间背景记忆的研究中,我们检验了以下假设:中年成年人(MA; 40-58岁)具有迟发性AD家族史(MA + FH),或合并+ FH和载脂蛋白与?跳频APOE4 MA控件。我们还假设,与对照组相比,两个处于风险中的MA组将表现出大脑活动与记忆能力之间的不同关联模式。为了检验这些假设,我们对成功进行情境编码和检索期间获得的fMRI数据进行了多任务,行为和偏最小二乘分析。我们的研究结果表明,与具有AD危险因素的MA相比,即使情景记忆表现没有显着的组间差异,但涉及MA的海马,顶叶下皮质,扣带回和前突皮质的脑活动和脑行为相关性也存在显着差异。控件。此外,我们观察到前内侧PFC和腹侧视觉皮层中的大脑活动和脑行为相关性将两个MA风险组与MA对照组区分开。我们的结果表明,与中年对照组相比,具有+ FH和+ APOE-4危险因素的AD发病较晚的成年人的中年早期存在情节性记忆相关区域的功能差异。强调 ?有或没有特定AD危险因素的中年成人(MA)背景记忆的FMRI研究?具有或不具有AD危险因素的MA表现出不同的角回,扣带回和胎前活动模式。 ?与对照组相比,具有AD危险因素的MA在编码时显示出增强的海马活性。 ?内侧PFC和视觉皮层功能区分+ FH与+ APOE4 MA危险组。



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