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History of psychosurgery at Sainte-Anne Hospital, Paris, France, through translational interactions between psychiatrists and neurosurgeons




Sainte-Anne Hospital is the largest psychiatric hospital in Paris. Its long and fascinating history began in the 18th century. In 1952, it was at Sainte-Anne Hospital that Jean Delay and Pierre Deniker used the first neuroleptic, chlorpromazine, to cure psychiatric patients, putting an end to the expansion of psychosurgery. The Department of Neuro-psychosurgery was created in 1941. The works of successive heads of the Neurosurgery Department at Sainte-Anne Hospital summarized the history of psychosurgery in France. Pierre Puech defined psychosurgery as the necessary cooperation between neurosurgeons and psychiatrists to treat the conditions causing psychiatric symptoms, from brain tumors to mental health disorders. He reported the results of his series of 369 cases and underlined the necessity for proper follow-up and postoperative re-education, illustrating the relative caution of French neurosurgeons concerning psychosurgery. Marcel David and his assistants tried to follow their patients closely postoperatively; this resulted in numerous publications with significant follow-up and conclusions. As early as 1955, David reported intellectual degradation 2 years after prefrontal leucotomies. Jean Talairach, a psychiatrist who eventually trained as a neurosurgeon, was the first to describe anterior capsulotomy in 1949. He operated in several hospitals outside of Paris, including the Sarthe Psychiatric Hospital and the Public Institution of Mental Health in the Lille region. He developed stereotactic surgery, notably stereo-electroencephalography, for epilepsy surgery but also to treat psychiatric patients using stereotactic lesioning with radiofrequency ablation or radioactive seeds of yttrium-90. The evolution of functional neurosurgery has been marked by the development of deep brain stimulation, in particular for obsessive-compulsive disorder, replacing the former lesional stereotactic procedures. The history of Sainte-Anne Hospital’s Neurosurgery Department sheds light on the initiation—yet fast reconsideration—of psychosurgery in France. This relatively more prudent attitude toward the practice of psychosurgery compared with other countries was probably due to the historically strong collaboration between psychiatrists and neurosurgeons in France.
机译:圣安娜医院是巴黎最大的精神病医院。它悠久而迷人的历史始于18世纪。 1952年,让·德莱德(Jean Delay)和皮埃尔·丹尼克(Pierre Deniker)在圣安娜医院使用了第一种抗精神病药氯丙嗪治疗精神病患者,从而终结了精神外科的发展。神经心理外科系成立于1941年。Sainte-Anne医院神经外科系历任负责人的工作总结了法国心理外科的历史。皮埃尔·皮奇(Pierre Puech)将心理外科手术定义为神经外科医师和精神科医生之间必要的合作,以治疗引起从大脑肿瘤到精神疾病的精神症状的条件。他报告了其369例系列病例的结果,并强调了适当随访和术后再教育的必要性,这说明了法国神经外科医师对心理外科手术的相对谨慎。马塞尔·戴维(Marcel David)和他的助手们试图在术后密切关注患者。这导致了许多具有重大后续行动和结论的出版物。早在1955年,戴维(David)就报告了额叶前白内障切除术后2年的智力下降。让·塔莱拉赫(Jean Talairach)是一名精神科医生,最终接受了神经外科医师的培训,于1949年率先描述了前囊切开术。他在巴黎郊外的多家医院进行了手术,包括萨尔特精神病医院和里尔地区精神卫生公共机构。他开发了用于癫痫手术的立体定向手术,尤其是立体脑电图,还利用射频消融或90钇的放射性粒子进行立体定向病变治疗精神病患者。功能性神经外科的发展以深部脑刺激的发展为标志,特别是针对强迫症,取代了以前的病灶性立体定向手术。 Sainte-Anne医院神经外科的历史阐明了法国开始进行精神外科手术(但现在正在重新考虑)的过程。与其他国家相比,对精神外科实践采取这种相对谨慎的态度,可能是由于法国的精神科医生和神经外科医生在历史上有很强的合作关系。



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