首页> 外文期刊>National Journal of Laboratory Medicine >Evaluation of Thrombocytopenia in Megaloblastic Anemia by Platelet Indices and Megakaryocytes- Comparison with Hypoproduction and Hyperdestruction

Evaluation of Thrombocytopenia in Megaloblastic Anemia by Platelet Indices and Megakaryocytes- Comparison with Hypoproduction and Hyperdestruction




Introduction: Thrombocytopenia may result from many mechanisms such as: marrow hypoplasia (decreased megakaryocytes), ineffective thrombopoiesis (normal to increased megakaryocytes) and increased destruction of platelets (increased megakaryocytes). The cause of thrombocytopenia in megaloblastic anemia has been postulated as hypoproduction in some studies, whereas ineffective thrombopoeisis has been proposed as the mechanism in others.Aim: This study was taken up to study the platelet indices in thrombocytopenia secondary to megaloblastic anemia, hypoproduction and hyperdesrtuction. And also aimed to evaluate the discriminative function of platelet indices in megaloblastic anemia in comparison with hypoproductive and hyperdestructive causes of thrombocytopenia and to correlate platelet indices with bone marrow megakaryocyte cellularity.Materials and Methods: Platelet indices in 32 cases of thrombocytopenias of megaloblastic etiology were compared with platelet indices of 31 cases of marrow proven hypoproductive thrombocytopnias (aplastic anemia, hypoplastic anemia, acute leukemia) and 32 cases of hyperdestructive thrombocytopnias (Immune thrombocytopenia). Descriptive analysis was used and comparison among means of platelet indices in all the groups was done with one way ANOVA using Scheffe’s test. Categorical data was analyzed using Chi-square test. Platelet indices and bone marrow megakaryocytes were analyzed and correlated in each group. A p-value of less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant.Results: The mean values platelet indices were significantly higher (p0.05). The mean P-LCR (37.4%) in megaloblastic group was intermediate between both the other groups with a significant statistical difference (p-value<0.05).Conclusion: Both hypoproduction and ineffective thrombo-poiesis are the underlying pathomechanisms in megaloblastic thrombocytopenia as evidenced by the marrow findings and platelet indices. Platelet indices are of significant discriminative value in differentiating the various causes of thrombocytopenias. We hereby infer that megaloblastic thrombocytopenia is to be included as a separate category apart from hypoproliferative and hyperdestructive groups.
机译:简介:血小板减少症可能由多种机制引起,例如:骨髓发育不全(巨核细胞减少),无效的血小板生成(对巨核细胞增加正常)和血小板破坏增加(巨核细胞增加)。在一些研究中,认为巨幼细胞性贫血的血小板减少的原因被认为是生产不足的原因,而在其他研究中则认为无效的血小板生成是其机制的目的。目的:本研究旨在研究继发于巨幼细胞性贫血,产量低下和过度畸形的血小板减少症的指标。 。并旨在评估血小板指数在生产能力低下和高破坏性血小板减少症的原因中的判别功能,并将血小板指数与骨髓巨核细胞的细胞性相关联。方法和方法:比较了32例巨细胞病性血小板减少症患者的血小板指数血小板指数为31例骨髓确诊的低生产性血小板减少症(再生障碍性贫血,发育不良性贫血,急性白血病)和32例高破坏性血小板减少症(免疫性血小板减少症)。使用描述性分析,并使用Scheffe检验通过一种方差分析来比较所有组中血小板指数的平均值。使用卡方检验分析分类数据。在每组中分析血小板指数和骨髓巨核细胞并进行关联。 p值小于0.05认为具有统计学意义。结果:血小板指数的平均值显着较高(p0.05)。巨幼细胞组的平均P-LCR(37.4%)介于其他两组之间,具有统计学差异(p-值<0.05)。结论:低产量和无效的血小板生成是巨幼细胞性血小板减少症的潜在发病机制。通过骨髓发现和血小板指数。血小板指数在区分血小板减少的各种原因方面具有重要的判别价值。我们据此推断,巨细胞增生性血小板减少症应作为增生和破坏力较弱的组别作为单独的类别包括在内。



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