首页> 外文期刊>National Journal of Laboratory Medicine >Seroprevalence of Rubella Antibodies in Women of Reproductive Age Group

Seroprevalence of Rubella Antibodies in Women of Reproductive Age Group




Introduction: Rubella is a mild exanthematous disease of worldwide distribution. However, there is risk of adverse pregnancy outcome and congenital defects in foetus when it infects susceptible pregnant women. The endemicity of rubella has been well established in India; still very few surveys are done. Thus, it is important to know proportion of women of childbearing age who are susceptible to rubella so as to know the risk of adverse pregnancy outcome.Aim: To know the seroprevalence of Rubella antibodies in women of reproductive age groupMaterials and Methods: A total of 120 women of reproductive age group were selected randomly. About 2-3 ml of single blood sample was collected from selected women. Sera was separated and tested for IgG and IgM antibodies specific for rubella virus by ELISA .Setting and Design: It was a cross-sectional study from December 2012 to August 2014. The study was conducted from December 2012 to August 2014 at Shri B M Patil Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre, BLDE University, Bijapur.Statistical analysis: Association between seroprevalence of Rubella and socio-demographic factors was found by using x2- test. Statistical analysis was done by software-SPSS17 version.Results: Overall prevalence of seropositivity of rubella IgG antibodies was 31.66% indicating they were immune for rubella infection. Seropositivity for IgM antibodies was found in one (0.83%) woman. Higher (40%) incidence of seropositivity for IgG antibodies was observed in women presenting with adverse pregnancy outcome than that of normal pregnancy outcome (29.1%). Rubella IgG seropositivity in age group of 16-25 year was 26.31% which increased to 40% in age group of 26-35 years.Conclusion: In our area substantial number of women reach child bearing age without acquiring natural immunity to Rubella. Hence, screening of rubella and immunization of women at risk are highly recommended in this area. Also continued evaluation of the susceptibility of women in the reproductive age to rubella infection is essential to set a strategy for prevention of congenital rubella syndrome.
机译:简介:风疹是一种遍布全球的轻度皮疹性疾病。但是,如果感染易感孕妇,则存在不良妊娠结局和胎儿先天性缺陷的风险。风疹的流行在印度已经确立。仍然很少进行调查。因此,了解风疹易感的育龄妇女的比例以了解不良妊娠结局的风险很重要。目的:了解育龄组妇女风疹抗体的血清流行率材料和方法:总共随机选择120名育龄妇女。从选定的妇女中收集约2-3 ml单血样本。分离血清并通过ELISA检测风疹病毒特异的IgG和IgM抗体。设置与设计:这项横断面研究于2012年12月至2014年8月进行。该研究于2012年12月至2014年8月在Shri BM Patil Medical进行。比雅普尔BLDE大学学院,医院和研究中心统计分析:使用x2-检验发现风疹的血清阳性率与社会人口统计学因素之间的关联。结果:风疹IgG抗体血清阳性的总体患病率为31.66%,表明它们对风疹感染具有免疫力。在一名(0.83%)妇女中发现了IgM抗体的血清阳性。出现不良妊娠结局的女性中,IgG抗体血清阳性的发生率高于正常妊娠结局(29.1%)。 16-25岁年龄组的风疹IgG血清阳性率为26.31%,而在26-35岁年龄组为40%。因此,强烈建议在该领域进行风疹筛查和高危妇女的免疫接种。同样,持续评估育龄期妇女对风疹感染的敏感性对于制定预防先天性风疹综合症的策略至关重要。



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