首页> 外文期刊>National Journal of Community Medicine >HIV Sentinel Surveillance Among High Risk Groups: Scenario In Gujarat

HIV Sentinel Surveillance Among High Risk Groups: Scenario In Gujarat




Background: Surveillance is the ongoing systematic collection, collation, analysis and interpretation of data so that appropriate action can be taken within time. Aims and Objective: The present annual HIV sentinel surveillance (HSS) was carried out for monitoring trends of HIV epidemic in high risk group populations in selected sites of Gujarat state.. Methodology: The HSS was carried out in representative populations from High Risk Group (HRG) like Female Sex Workers (FSW), Man having Sex with Man (MSM) and Single Male Migrant. Target sample size was 250 at each HRG site (Female Sex Worker, Male Sex Male & SMM). Consecutive sampling was done at designated sentinel site for selecting the survey participants. Results: Overall 3726 samples (1494 FSWs, 1732 MSMs & 500 SMM) were tested in the High risk group of HSS 2008. The overall sero-positivity in samples from FSWs, MSMs sites was 4.5%. Sero-positivity was more or less high (? 5%) among FSWs as well as MSMs irrespective of age, place of residence, literacy level, occupation; and migration status. Conclusion: The overall trend of sero-positivity in High risk groups shows decreasing trend of HIV in the state from 2004 to 2008.
机译:背景:监视是指不断进行的系统性数据收集,整理,分析和解释,以便可以在适当的时间内采取适当的措施。目的和目标:目前进行了年度艾滋病哨兵监测(HSS),以监测古吉拉特邦选定地点的高危人群的艾滋病毒流行趋势。方法:在高危人群的代表性人群中进行HSS( HRG),例如女性性工作者(FSW),男人与男人发生性行为(MSM)和单身男性移民。每个HRG站点(女性性工作者,男性性工作者和SMM)的目标样本量为250。在指定的哨点地点进行连续抽样以选择调查参与者。结果:在HSS 2008的高风险组中测试了3726个样本(1494个FSW,1732个MSM和500 SMM)。FSW,MSMs站点的样本的总体血清阳性率为4.5%。无论年龄,居住地,识字水平,职业如何,FSW和MSM中的血清阳性率都较高(≥5%)。和迁移状态。结论:高危人群血清阳性的总体趋势表明,从2004年到2008年,该州的HIV下降趋势。



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