首页> 外文期刊>National Journal of Community Medicine >Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Modern Contraceptives (especially Spacing Methods) in Acceptors and Non-acceptors of Tubectomy

Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Modern Contraceptives (especially Spacing Methods) in Acceptors and Non-acceptors of Tubectomy




"Context: From National Health Policy 1983 to NHP 2017, three demographic goals are constantly persuaded: to reduce CBR (Crude Birth Rate) to 21, NRR (Net Reproduction Rate) to 1 and raise the CPR (Couple Protection Rate) to at least 60%, which are not yet reached and could be achieved by promoting spacing contraceptive methods. NFHS-4 reveals that, the contribution of all five spacing methods to all modern contraceptives was only 11.5%. Objectives: This study was intended to assess and compare the knowledge, attitude and practice of modern contraceptives, especially spacing methods, amongst acceptors and non acceptors of tubectomy. Methodology: An observational, analytical, case-control study de-sign was used. The data on acceptors and non-acceptors of tubectomy, 137 each, were collected by trained staff and analyzed by us-ing ‘epi-info’, and ‘WIN-PEPI’ soft ware. Results: The proportions of acceptors and non-acceptors with adequate knowledge of contraception were 77% and 81% respectively and that with favorable attitude, were 96% and 87% respec-tively, but only 45% acceptors and 43% non acceptors used some temporary contraception. Conclusions: Number and sex of children is the significant de-terminant for use of contraception. Proportions of acceptors and non acceptors of tubectomy with unfavorable attitude towards contraceptives were 4% and 13% respectively and this difference was statistically highly significant.
机译:“背景:从1983年的国家卫生政策到2017年的NHP,始终坚持三个人口统计目标:将CBR(粗出生率)降低到21,NRR(净生殖率)降低到1,并将CPR(夫妇保护率)提高到至少60%,尚未达到,并且可以通过推广间隔避孕方法来实现; NFHS-4揭示,这五种间隔方法对所有现代避孕方法的贡献仅为11.5%。目的:本研究旨在评估和比较输卵管切除术接受者和非接受者之间现代避孕药具的知识,态度和实践,尤其是间隔方法;方法:采用观察性,分析性,病例对照研究设计方法。分别由受过培训的人员收集了137个样本,并使用“ epi-info”和“ WIN-PEPI”软件进行了分析。结果:具有足够避孕知识的接受者和未接受者分别为77%和81%尊敬的态度良好的人分别有96%和87%,但只有45%的接受者和43%的非接受者使用了一些临时避孕方法。结论:儿童的数量和性别是使用避孕药具的重要决定因素。对避孕方法持不利态度的输卵管切除术接受者和非接受者的比例分别为4%和13%,这一差异在统计学上具有显着意义。



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