首页> 外文期刊>Neuropsychopharmacology >Imaging Nicotine- and Amphetamine-Induced Dopamine Release in Rhesus Monkeys with |[lsqb]|11C|[rsqb]|PHNO vs |[lsqb]|11C|[rsqb]|raclopride PET

Imaging Nicotine- and Amphetamine-Induced Dopamine Release in Rhesus Monkeys with |[lsqb]|11C|[rsqb]|PHNO vs |[lsqb]|11C|[rsqb]|raclopride PET

机译:| [lsqb] | 11C | [rsqb] | PHNO对| [lsqb] | 11C | [rsqb] |雷氯必利PET成像在恒河猴中尼古丁和苯丙胺诱导的多巴胺释放



The radiotracer [11C]PHNO may have advantages over other dopamine (DA) D2/D3 receptor ligands because, as an agonist, it measures high-affinity, functionally active D2/D3 receptors, whereas the traditionally used radiotracer [11C]raclopride measures both high- and low-affinity receptors. Our aim was to take advantage of the strength of [11C]PHNO for measuring the small DA signal induced by nicotine, which has been difficult to measure in preclinical and clinical neuroimaging studies. Nicotine- and amphetamine-induced DA release in non-human primates was measured with [11C]PHNO and [11C]raclopride positron emission tomography (PET) imaging. Seven adult rhesus monkeys were imaged on a FOCUS 220 PET scanner after injection of a bolus of [11C]PHNO or [11C]raclopride in three conditions: baseline; preinjection of nicotine (0.1?mg/kg bolus+0.08?mg/kg infusion over 30?min); preinjection of amphetamine (0.4?mg/kg, 5?min before radiotracer injection). DA release was measured as change in binding potential (BPND). Nicotine significantly decreased BPND in the caudate (7±8%), the nucleus accumbens (10±7%), and in the globus pallidus (13±15%) measured with [11C]PHNO, but did not significantly decrease BPND in the putamen or the substantia nigra or in any region when measured with [11C]raclopride. Amphetamine significantly reduced BPND in all regions with both radiotracers. In the striatum, larger amphetamine-induced changes were detected with [11C]PHNO compared with [11C]raclopride (52–64% vs 33–35%, respectively). We confirmed that [11C]PHNO is more sensitive than [11C]raclopride to nicotine- and amphetamine-induced DA release. [11C]PHNO PET may be more sensitive to measuring tobacco smoking-induced DA release in human tobacco smokers.
机译:放射性示踪剂[11C] PHNO可能优于其他多巴胺(DA)D2 / D3受体配体,因为作为激动剂,它可以测量高亲和力,功能活跃的D2 / D3受体,而传统上使用的放射性示踪剂[11C]雷氯普利高和低亲和力受体。我们的目标是利用[11C] PHNO的强度来测量尼古丁引起的小DA信号,这在临床前和临床神经影像学研究中很难测量。尼古丁和苯丙胺诱导的非人灵长类动物中DA的释放通过[11C] PHNO和[11C]雷氯必利正电子发射断层扫描(PET)成像进行了测量。在以下三种条件下注射大剂量的[11C] PHNO或[11C]雷氯必利后,在FOCUS 220 PET扫描仪上对七只成年恒河猴成像。尼古丁预注射(0.1?mg / kg推注+0.08?mg / kg输注,持续30?min);安非他明预注射(0.4?mg / kg,放射性示踪剂注射前5?分钟)。将DA释放测量为结合电位的变化(BPND)。尼古丁显着降低了尾巴(7±8 %),伏隔核(10±7 %)和苍白球(13±15 %)的BPND,但没有显着降低用[11C]雷氯必利测量时,在壳或黑质中或任何区域中的BPND。苯丙胺可显着降低两种放射性示踪剂在所有区域的BPND。在纹状体中,与[11C]雷氯必利相比,[11C] PHNO检测出较大的苯丙胺诱导的变化(分别为52-64%和33-35%)。我们证实,[11C] PHNO比[11C]雷氯必利对尼古丁和苯丙胺诱导的DA释放更敏感。 [11C] PHNO PET可能对测量吸烟引起的人类吸烟者的DA释放更为敏感。


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