首页> 外文期刊>Natural Products and Bioprospecting >Study of the distribution profile of piperidine alkaloids in various parts of Prosopis juliflora by the application of Direct Analysis in Real Time Mass Spectrometry (DART-MS)

Study of the distribution profile of piperidine alkaloids in various parts of Prosopis juliflora by the application of Direct Analysis in Real Time Mass Spectrometry (DART-MS)

机译:直接分析在实时质谱(DART-MS)中研究哌啶生物碱在多花的Prosopis juliflora各个部位中的分布特征



Direct Analysis in Real Time Mass Spectrometry (DART-MS) was applied to identify and study the distribution profile of piperidine alkaloids in different parts of Prosopis juliflora, without isolation and separation of the compounds by standard chromatographic techniques. With the help of DART-MS, chemical fingerprint of raw plant parts were generated, which revealed the presence of piperidine alkaloids in leaf, pod and flower. A comparative study of the distribution pattern, showed variation in the presence and distribution of these alkaloids in various parts of P. juliflora. The leaves and pod displayed the largest alkaloid pattern with a total of 12 different alkaloids in each part, whereas only 4 alkaloids were present in flower. Alkaloids: julifloridine, prosopine, prosopinine and prosafrinine were ubiquitously distributed in all the alkaloid rich plant parts. Juliprosopine was pre-eminet alkaloid in leaf, whereas pod and flower displayed copious amounts of julifloridine.Graphical abstract
机译:实时质谱直接分析(DART-MS)用于鉴定和研究哌啶生物碱在水生Prosopis juliflora不同部位的分布情况,而无需通过标准色谱技术分离和分离化合物。在DART-MS的帮助下,生成了植物原始部位的化学指纹图谱,表明叶,豆荚和花朵中均存在哌啶生物碱。对分布模式的比较研究表明,这些生物碱在胡杨假单胞菌各个部位的存在和分布均存在差异。叶子和豆荚显示出最大的生物碱模式,每个部分共有12种不同的生物碱,而花中仅存在4种生物碱。生物碱:在所有富含生物碱的植物部位中普遍存在朱利洛定,异丙肾上腺素,脯氨酸前素和普萘林碱。菊酯松碱是叶片中的前闪粉生物碱,而豆荚和花朵则显示出大量的菊酯碱。



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