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Result of Pallidotomy in Parkinson’s Disease in Nepal




Surgical treatment of Parkinsons disease (PD) has already been an established treatment. Currently pallidotomy, Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) of Globus pallidus internus (GPi) and Subthalamic nucleus (STN) are available mode of surgical treatment of PD. We have included all patients of idiopathic Parkinosons disease who underwent pallidotomy in Annapurna Neurological Institute and Allied Sciences since 2014. The demographics of the patients have been shown and the patient’s improvement has been shown by Unifi ed Parkinsons Disease Rating Score (UPDRS). We have found that pallidotomy is still a promising surgical modality but it is advised to perform either unilaterally or staged bilaterally with at least 3 months gap inbetween. Nepal Journal of Neuroscience. Vol. 13, No. 2, 2016, Page: 68-72.
机译:帕金森氏病(PD)的外科治疗已被确定。目前,苍白球切开术,苍白苍白球内科(GPi)和丘脑下核(STN)的深部脑刺激(DBS)是PD的外科治疗方式。自2014年以来,我们已在Annapurna神经病学研究所和Allied Sciences中纳入了所有接受了苍白球切开术的特发性帕金森氏病患者。该患者的人口统计学数据已经显示出来,并且通过统一的帕金森病疾病评分(UPDRS)显示了患者的病情改善。我们已经发现苍白球切开术仍然是一种有前途的手术方式,但建议单侧或双侧进行,至少间隔3个月。尼泊尔神经科学杂志。卷2016年2月13日,第68-72页。



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