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Increasing jojoba-like wax ester production in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by enhancing very long-chain, monounsaturated fatty acid synthesis




Fatty acids (FAs) with a chain length of more than 18 carbon atoms (?C18) are interesting for the production of specialty compounds derived from these FAs. These compounds include free FAs, like erucic acid (C22:1-Δ13), primary fatty alcohols (FOHs), like docosanol (C22:0-FOH), as well as jojoba-like wax esters (WEs) (C38-WE to C44-WE), which are esters of (very) long-chain FAs and (very) long-chain FOHs. In particular, FAs, FOHs and WEs are used in the production of chemicals, pharmaceuticals and cosmetic products. Jojoba seed oil is highly enriched in diunsaturated WEs with over 70?mol% being composed of C18:1–C24:1 monounsaturated FOH and monounsaturated FA moieties. In this study, we aim for the production of jojoba-like WEs in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae by increasing the amount of very long-chain, monounsaturated FAs and simultaneously expressing enzymes required for WE synthesis. We show that the combined expression of a plant-derived fatty acid elongase (FAE/KCS) from Crambe abyssinica (CaKCS) together with the yeast intrinsic fatty acid desaturase (FAD) Ole1p leads to an increase in C20:1 and C22:1 FAs in S. cerevisiae. We also demonstrate that the best enzyme candidate for C24:1 FA production in S. cerevisiae is a FAE derived from Lunaria annua (LaKCS). The combined overexpression of CaKCS and Ole1p together with a fatty acyl reductase (FAR/FAldhR) from Marinobacter aquaeolei VT8 (MaFAldhR) and a wax synthase (WS) from Simmondsia chinensis (SciWS) in a S. cerevisiae strain, overexpressing a range of other enzymes involved in FA synthesis and elongation, leads to a yeast strain capable of producing high amounts of monounsaturated FOHs (up to C22:1-FOH) as well as diunsaturated WEs (up to C46:2-WE). Changing the FA profile of the yeast S. cerevisiae towards very long-chain monounsaturated?FAs is possible by combined overexpression of endogenous and heterologous enzymes derived from various sources (e.g. a marine copepod or plants). This strategy was used to produce jojoba-like WEs in S. cerevisiae and can potentially be extended towards other commercially interesting products derived from very long-chain FAs.
机译:链长超过18个碳原子(>?C18)的脂肪酸(FAs)对于生产衍生自这些FAs的特殊化合物很有趣。这些化合物包括游离脂肪酸(如芥酸(C22:1-Δ13),伯脂肪醇(FOH),如二十二烷醇(C22:0-FOH)以及荷荷巴油样蜡酯(WEs)(C38-WE C44-WE),是(非常)长链FA和(非常)长链FOH的酯。特别是,FA,FOH和WE用于生产化学药品,药品和化妆品。霍霍巴种子油中的不饱和WEs含量很高,超过70?mol%由C18:1–C24:1单不饱和FOH和单不饱和FA部分组成。在这项研究中,我们旨在通过增加非常长链的单不饱和FA的数量并同时表达WE合成所需的酶,来在酿酒酵母中生产霍霍巴样WE。我们显示从克拉姆比阿比西尼亚(CaKCS)与酵母固有脂肪酸去饱和酶(FAD)Ole1p一起植物源性脂肪酸延伸酶(FAE / KCS)的组合表达导致C20:1和C22:1 FAs的增加在酿酒酵母中。我们还证明,酿酒酵母中C24:1 FA产生的最佳候选酶是衍生自Lunaria annua(LaKCS)的FAE。 CaKCS和Ole1p的联合过表达与酿酒酵母中的Marinobacter aquaeolei VT8(MaFAldhR)的脂肪酰基还原酶(FAR / FAldhR)和Simmondsia chinensis(SciWS)的蜡合酶(WS)一起过量表达了一系列其他表达参与FA合成和延伸的酶导致酵母菌株能够产生大量的单不饱和FOH(高达C22:1-FOH)以及双不饱和WE(高达C46:2-WE)。通过联合过量表达衍生自各种来源(例如海洋combined足类或植物)的内源和异源酶,可以将酿酒酵母的FA构型改变为非常长链的单不饱和ΔFA。该策略用于在酿酒酵母中生产类似霍霍巴的WEs,并且可以潜在地扩展到衍生自非常长链FA的其他商业上感兴趣的产品。



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