首页> 外文期刊>Nauka Przyroda Technologie >Porównanie w?a?ciwo?ci fizyczno-chemicznych i biologicznych materia?ów poflotacyjnych obsadzonych zró?nicowanym materia?em ro?linnym

Porównanie w?a?ciwo?ci fizyczno-chemicznych i biologicznych materia?ów poflotacyjnych obsadzonych zró?nicowanym materia?em ro?linnym




The aim of the work was to compare the influence of plant material applied in the course of the biological reclamation of the debris of post-flotation materials on selected physico-chemical and biological properties of substrate. A way of management of debris escarpment influenced the organic carbon and total nitrogen contents estimated in samples taken from the studied sites, a certain accumulation of these elements was estimated in substrata planted with turf coming from hydroseeding and a substrate overgrown with plants resulting from 10-year succession. Prunus spinosa shoots (Rosaceae family) were characterised by a higher degree of accumulation of cadmium, lead and zinc than plants from the Poaceae family. Activity of urease was directly proportional to a degree of covering the site area by plants, and therefore the greatest activity of the discussed enzyme was estimated in the substrate constituting the escarpment co-vered with turf formed as a result of the natural plant succession. The results of the conducted experiment indicated potential abilities of Prunus spinosa for the biological reclamation of the escarpment of the post-flotation materials settler.



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