首页> 外文期刊>National Journal of Medical Research >Risk Factors of Vertebral Fractures among Women Aged More Than 50 Attending Tertiary Care Centre: A Case Control Study

Risk Factors of Vertebral Fractures among Women Aged More Than 50 Attending Tertiary Care Centre: A Case Control Study




Background: Vertebral Fractures are most frequent type of fracture in osteoporosis and often it remains asymptomatic or happens unnoticed and is not diagnosed. Objective: The present case control study was planned to find out the risk factors for undiagnosed vertebral fractures in a population of women over 50 years attending tertiary care centre for the complaint of chronic back pain. Material and methods: There were 180 participants in the case group who had chronic back pain and 60 participants in the control group who didn’t. All the details of risk factors, demographic information, clinical symptoms, X-ray findings were collected in the predesigned questionnaire. Results: The height of the women with chronic back pain were shorter than those who did not have back pain (p= 0.005), they had a greater proportion of kyphosis (58%) and a higher proportion of VF (17%). The association between chronic back pain and BMI, VFs and kyphosis was statistically significant. Conclusions: At the time of the study 17% of women with chronic back pain presented with at least one VF. They also had a higher prevalence of kyphosis than the women without back pain. A regular screening should be done in women aged more than 50 with chronic back pain so that VFs can be identified and treated timely.
机译:背景:椎骨骨折是骨质疏松症中最常见的骨折类型,通常无症状或未引起注意,也未得到诊断。目的:本病例对照研究的目的是找出就诊于慢性腰痛的三级护理中心就诊的50岁以上女性人群中未确诊椎骨骨折的危险因素。材料和方法:病例组中有180人患有慢性背痛,对照组中有60人没有慢性背痛。预先设计的调查表收集了所有危险因素,人口统计学信息,临床症状,X线检查结果的详细信息。结果:患有慢性背痛的女性的身高比没有背痛的女性的身高短(p = 0.005),她们的驼背比例更高(58%),而VF比例更高(17%)。慢性背痛与BMI,VF和后凸畸形之间的关联具有统计学意义。结论:在研究时,有17%的慢性腰痛妇女表现出至少一种VF。与没有背部疼痛的女性相比,她们的后凸畸形患病率也更高。应该对50岁以上患有慢性背痛的女性进行常规筛查,以便能够及时发现和治疗VF。



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