首页> 外文期刊>National Journal of Medical Research >Role of Laser Photocoagulation Versus Intravitreal Triamcinolone Acetonide in Angiographic Macular Edema in Diabetes Mellitus

Role of Laser Photocoagulation Versus Intravitreal Triamcinolone Acetonide in Angiographic Macular Edema in Diabetes Mellitus




Aims: To compare the effect of laser photocoagulation and intravitreal triamcelone acetonide in the treatment of diabetic macular edema Material and Methods: During the period of one year 100 patients having diabetic macular edema were enrolled in the project.Fluorescein angiography was carried out in all patients to confirm the diagnosis of macular edema. Patients were randomly assigned into two groups. One group was treated with laser photocoagulation and other group was given intravitreal triamcinolone. Observations: 82 % of patients were of type 2 diabetes while 18 % had type 1 diabetes. 40 % patients had the disease for more than 15 years. 48 % patients had diffuse macular edema on fluorescein angiography. 38 % showed a focal pattern of edema and 14% showed a mixed pattern. At three months patients receiving triamcinolone had better visual acuity compared to laser photocoagulation. However these findings were reversed by 12 months and laser photocoagulation remained superior to triamcinolone at the end of 1 year of follow up. Discussion: A similar study conducted by DRCR compared laser photocoagulation to intravitreal triamcinolone for treatment of diabetic macular edema. At four months, patients receiving intravitreal triamcinolone had better visual acuity compared to laser photocoagulation. These findings were reversed by 16 months, and laser photocoagulation remained superior to triamcinolone at three-year follow-up. Conclusion: Our study showed that although intravitreal triamcinolone was successful in improving visual acuity in patients at the end of 3 months the effect was transient and in long term laser photocoagulation was more effective.
机译:目的:比较激光光凝法和玻璃体内丙酮酸乙酰苯丙酮酸内酯治疗糖尿病性黄斑水肿的效果资料与方法:该研究纳入了一年的糖尿病性黄斑水肿患者100例,所有患者均进行了荧光素血管造影确认黄斑水肿的诊断。将患者随机分为两组。一组接受激光光凝治疗,另一组接受玻璃体内曲安奈德治疗。观察:82%的患者患有2型糖尿病,而18%的患者患有1型糖尿病。 40%的患者患有该病超过15年。 48%的患者在荧光素血管造影上有弥漫性黄斑水肿。 38%的人表现为水肿的局灶型,而14%的人表现为混合型。与激光光凝术相比,接受曲安奈龙治疗的三个月患者的视力更好。然而,这些发现在12个月后被扭转,在随访的1年末,激光光凝术仍然优于曲安西龙。讨论:DRCR进行的一项类似研究比较了激光光凝与玻璃体内曲安奈德治疗糖尿病性黄斑水肿的情况。与激光光凝术相比,接受玻璃体内曲安奈德治疗的患者在四个月时的视力更好。这些发现在16个月后被扭转,并且在三年的随访中激光光凝术仍然优于曲安西龙。结论:我们的研究表明,尽管玻璃体内曲安奈德在3个月末成功改善了患者的视力,但这种作用是短暂的,长期而言,激光光凝治疗更为有效。



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