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Boka – Kotorska Men Between The Bay of Kotor and Trieste




The relations of Boka Kotorska Bay and Trieste became more intensive just at the end of the 19th ct. after the fall of Venetian Republic and with the arrival of Austrian authorities in Boka Kotorska. At the end of the 18th ct. Boka had about 300 sailing vessels. In 1805. there were 400 vessels with patent, 290 without patent and 3000 seafarers. After Napoleon wars in 1814. the number of vessels fell to 50 and just 221 vessel without patent. Austria which governed just Croatian Coast, Rijeka and Trieste became the ruler of the whole coast from Venice to Budva. Austrian preference of Trieste and the foundation of steamship company Austrian Lloyd in 1833. with its seat in Trieste as the first, unique and the biggest steamship company at the Adriatic, made Trieste the most developed maritime center at the Eastern part of the Adriatic. The owners of Boka sold their sailing ships and their sons started working in Lloyd of Austria. Altough that steamship company was one of the causes of the fall of Boka Kotorska seafaring, however thus Boka Kotorska captains contributed to its flourishment. In Trieste, around the middle of the 19th ct. there flourished the houses of Boka Kotorska families Florio, Verona, Vizin and Tripkovi?.
机译:博卡·科托尔斯卡湾(Boka Kotorska Bay)和的里雅斯特(Trieste)的关系在19世纪末期变得更加紧密。威尼斯共和国沦陷后,奥地利当局抵达博卡·科托尔斯卡(Boka Kotorska)。 18世纪末。博卡拥有约300艘帆船。 1805年,有400艘拥有专利的船只,290艘没有专利的船只和3000名海员。在1814年拿破仑战争之后,船只数量下降到50艘,而只有221艘没有专利。仅统治克罗地亚海岸的奥地利,里耶卡和的里雅斯特成为了从威尼斯到布德瓦整个海岸的统治者。奥地利人首选的里雅斯特,并于1833年成立轮船公司Austrian Lloyd。它的所在地在的里雅斯特是亚得里亚海地区第一家,唯一,最大的轮船公司,使的里雅斯特成为亚得里亚海东部最发达的海上中心。博卡的所有者出售了他们的帆船,他们的儿子开始在奥地利的劳埃德(Lloyd)工作。尽管那家轮船公司是Boka Kotorska航海衰败的原因之一,但是Boka Kotorska的船长们却为其繁荣发展做出了贡献。在19克拉中部的里雅斯特。 Boka Kotorska家庭Florio,Verona,Vizin和Tripkovi的房屋蓬勃发展。



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