首页> 外文期刊>Engineering >Study of the Process of Extraction and Refining of Pequi (Caryocar brasiliense Camb.) Oil

Study of the Process of Extraction and Refining of Pequi (Caryocar brasiliense Camb.) Oil

机译:佩基(Caryocar brasiliense Camb。)油的提取和精制过程的研究



Pequi fruit is a characteristic of Central Brazil with high oil content. This study evaluated the extraction of oil from the fruit portions by chemical and physical methods and determined an optimal condition for neutralization and degumming of oil extracted by solvent pequi pulp. The solvent extraction of oil was better than the mechanical pressing method. The oil extracted by solvent of the pulp pequi had a higher yield compared to other portions of the fruit. The peels and impurities material of fruit has a negligible amount of oil. The oil extracted from the pulp has better commercial characteristics in relation to the oil obtained from almonds. The operating parameters (temperature and time) studied at the stage of degumming the crude oil were significant at the 5% significance. The Increase in temperature decreases the values of acidity and iodine of the degummed oil.



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