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Physico-Chemical and Bacteriological Investigation on the River Cauvery of Kollegal Stretch in Karnataka




Cauvery River is the major river system of south India was studied for 19 prime physicochemicaland 2 bacteriological parameters at six locations of the Kollegal stretch, for a periodof Two years (2006–2008) at monthly intervals. Over the years of time, river has beensubjected to human interference regularly and water quality was to be getting deterioratedprofoundly. Major anthropogenic activities practiced in and around the stretch: agriculture,abstraction of water for irrigation and drinking, washing cloths and utensils, discharging ofsewage waste, sand dredging, boating, fishing, open defecation and religious ritual activitiesalong the stretch were generating serious threat to the biota of the river by altering thephysicochemical and biological concentration of the river system. The seasonal and yearlytrends were discussed to comprehend anthropogenic interferences on the river stretch.Correlation analysis was also been tried in between physico-chemical parameters. The pH,Conductance, Alkalinity and Hardness levels indicate the moderate quality of water. Thevalues of DO, BOD and COD levels indicate the absence of major organic pollution sources.Seasonal and yearly averages of plant nutrients like phosphate, nitrates, potassium and alsosulphates at drain out falls and mixing zones, were not showing any significant variation intheir concentration indicate no sign of problems like eutrophication, which is generally raisedue to agricultural and sewage wastes. The other possibility is that since there are no majorindustries in the project area, the major source of organic pollutants is only the domesticsource. Population density spread over sparsely located villages like Dasanapura and Harlecertainly contributes towards total and fecal coliforms as excreta of the villagers due to lackof toilets in their houses. Thus present study concludes that river water was not polluted; allresults are within permissible limit when compared with Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS)and National River water quality standards.DOI: 10.3126/kuset.v6i1.3310Kathmandu University Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Vol.6(1) 2010, pp50-59
机译:Cauvery河是印度南部的主要河流系统,在Kollegal伸展带的六个位置进行了19年主要理化指标和2个细菌学参数研究,为期两年(2006-2008年),每月间隔。多年来,河水经常受到人为干扰,水质将急剧恶化。沿河带及其周围地区的主要人为活动:沿河带农业,灌溉用水和灌溉用水,洗碗布和器皿,排放污水,挖沙,划船,捕鱼,露天排便和宗教仪式等活动对该河带构成了严重威胁。通过改变河流系统的理化和生物浓度来改变河流的生物群系。讨论了季节性和年度趋势,以了解人为干扰对河流的影响。还尝试了理化参数之间的相关性分析。 pH,电导率,碱度和硬度水平表明水质中等。 DO,BOD和COD的值表明没有主要的有机污染源。排水口和混合区的植物营养素的季节性和年度平均值,例如磷酸盐,硝酸盐,钾和硫酸盐,均未显示任何明显的变化,表明它们的浓度没有富营养化等问题的迹象,通常是由于农业和污水造成的。另一种可能性是,由于项目区域内没有主要行业,因此有机污染物的主要来源仅是国内来源。分布在人口稀少的村庄(如达萨纳普拉(Dasanapura)和哈勒(Harlecerant))上的人口密度由于其房屋中缺少厕所而对大肠菌群和粪便大肠菌群构成了排泄物。因此,本研究得出的结论是,河水未被污染。与印度标准局(BIS)和国家河流水质标准相比,所有结果均在允许的范围内。DOI:10.3126 / kuset.v6i1.3310加德满都大学科学技术与工程学报Vol.6(1)2010,pp50-59



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