首页> 外文期刊>Kliniceskaa I Specialnaa Psihologia >Pedagogy of Exceptional Childhood by V.P. Kashchenko: to the 110th Anniversary of the Sanatorium-school for Retarded Abnormal Children by Dr. V.P. Kashchenko

Pedagogy of Exceptional Childhood by V.P. Kashchenko: to the 110th Anniversary of the Sanatorium-school for Retarded Abnormal Children by Dr. V.P. Kashchenko

机译:V.P.的《童年时代的教育学》卡申科(Kashchenko):由V.P. Dr.博士主持的“针对异常儿童的疗养院”成立110周年。卡申科



The article is dedicated to the 110th anniversary of one of the first Russian medical and educational institutions for children with developmental disorders - Sanatorium-school for retarded abnormal children, opened in Moscow by V.P. Kashchenko in 1908. Published during the life of V.P. Kashchenko methodical, scientific and practical work, as well as memories of his daughter A.V. Kashchenko allow us to trace the history of the Sanatorium for two decades before the removal V.P. Kashchenko from the institution in 1926. A detailed description of Sanatorium children, the management of their life, instruction and upbringing is given in the book. Special attention is paid to the research work of V.P. Kashchenko, and in particular, to the creation of a unique Museum of Pedology and Pedagogy of exceptional childhood. On the basis of generalization of the experience of medical and pedagogical activity V.P. Kashchenko formulated the principles of correctional pedagogics called bases of practical work with the defective (exclusive) child. In conclusion, an attempt is made to identify the contribution of V.P. Kashchenko to the development of psychological and pedagogical science and practice of instruction and upbringing of children with developmental disorders.




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