首页> 外文期刊>Kinetoplastid Biology and Disease >A method for the identification of guinea pig blood meal in the Chagas disease vector, Triatoma infestans

A method for the identification of guinea pig blood meal in the Chagas disease vector, Triatoma infestans

机译:在恰加斯病病媒Triatoma infestans中鉴别豚鼠血粉的方法



Background In a SINE-based PCR assay, a primer set specific for guinea pig genome short interspersed elements DNA was used to test the utility of genomic markers for identifying the source of vertebrate blood meals of Triatoma infestans. Methods The investigation consisted of two assays. In Assay 1, thirty-six insects, collected from the Province of Zudá?ez in Chuquisaca, Bolivia were frozen 1–40 hours after feeding, under controlled conditions, on guinea pigs. The species of the vertebrate host was confirmed from dissection of the posterior part of the abdomen of each insect followed by DNA extraction and PCR amplification. Assay 2 investigated whether the technique worked under field conditions. We analyzed the bloodmeal of 34 insects collected from households and peri-domestic structures from communities where wild and captive guinea pigs occur. After collection, the insects were maintained at room temperature for 2 months without feeding and then analyzed. Results In Assay 1, each of the 36 insects allowed to feed on guinea pig blood tested positive for guinea pig DNA. The guinea pig DNA was reliably identified in as little as 1 hour and up to 40 hours after feeding. For Assay 2, 8 out of the 34 samples (23%) showed positive results with guinea pig specific primers. Conclusion The results in assay 1 demonstrated that DNA from the vertebrate host can be amplified 1–40 hours post feeding from the abdomen of the blood-feeding Chagas disease vector Triatoma infestans. The results in assay 2 confirmed that the procedure works on insects collected from households and peri-domestic structures and that the source of a blood meal can be determined at least 2 months post feeding.
机译:背景技术在基于SINE的PCR分析中,对豚鼠基因组短穿插元件DNA特异的引物组用于测试基因组标记物的用途,以鉴定出Triatoma infestans脊椎动物血粉的来源。方法研究包括两种测定。在分析1中,从玻利维亚楚基萨卡的祖达雷斯省采集的36种昆虫在受控条件下以豚鼠为食后冷冻了1–40小时。通过解剖每只昆虫腹部的后部,然后进行DNA提取和PCR扩增,确认了脊椎动物宿主的物种。分析2研究了该技术在田间条件下是否有效。我们分析了从家庭收集的34种昆虫的血粉和来自野生和圈养豚鼠发生的社区的家中围捕结构。收集后,将昆虫在不喂食的情况下在室温下放置2个月,然后进行分析。结果在测定1中,允许以豚鼠血液为食的36只昆虫中的每只经测试均对豚鼠DNA呈阳性。喂食后短短1小时至最多40小时即可可靠地鉴定出豚鼠DNA。对于测定2,34份样品中的8份(23%)显示了豚鼠特异性引物的阳性结果。结论分析1的结果表明,脊椎动物宿主的DNA可以在喂食Chagas病媒Triatoma infestans的血液后1至40小时内扩增。分析2的结果证实,该程序适用于从家庭和家庭周围结构收集的昆虫,并且可以在喂食后至少2个月确定血粉的来源。



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