首页> 外文期刊>Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report: CDC Surveillance Summaries >Risk Factors for Congenital Syphilis Transmitted from Mother to Infant a?? Suzhou, China, 2011a??2014

Risk Factors for Congenital Syphilis Transmitted from Mother to Infant a?? Suzhou, China, 2011a??2014




Mother-to-child transmission of syphilis remains a major global public health issue, and elimination of congenital syphilis is one of the millennium development goals of the World Health Organization (1). In 2012, an estimated 930,000 maternal syphilis infections caused 350,000 adverse pregnancy outcomes, including 143,000 early fetal deaths and stillbirths, 62,000 neonatal deaths, 44,000 preterm or low-weight births, and 102,000 infected infants worldwide (2). In China, the number of congenital syphilis cases reported annually increased from 468 in 2000 to 10,032 in 2013; the corresponding national congenital syphilis incidence rate increased nearly 26-fold, from 2.6 cases per 100,000 live births in 2000 to 69.9 in 2013 (3,4). To examine risk factors for mother-to-child transmission of syphilis, a cohort of pregnant women with a new syphilis diagnosis and their live-born infants was recruited during July 2011–July 2014 in Suzhou, in eastern China. Multivariable logistic regression results demonstrated that gestational age >36 weeks at the time of maternal syphilis diagnosis, higher maternal titers of rapid plasma reagin (RPR) and higher Treponema pallidum particle agglutination assay (TPPA) titers are risk factors for congenital syphilis. Among women with syphilis diagnosed at >36 weeks’ gestational age, three quarters were migrant women. Recommendations for strengthening community and provider education about mother-to-child transmission of syphilis, early diagnosis and timely treatment of syphilis in pregnancy, and improving and providing access to prenatal care and screening migrant pregnant women with temporary residence status might reduce the incidence of congenital syphilis in China.
机译:梅毒的母婴传播仍然是全球主要的公共卫生问题,消除先天性梅毒是世界卫生组织千年发展目标之一(1)。 2012年,估计有930,000例梅毒感染母亲导致350,000例不良妊娠结局,包括143,000例早期胎儿死亡和死产,62,000例新生儿死亡,44,000例早产儿或低体重儿,以及全球102,000例受感染的婴儿(2)。在中国,每年报告的先天性梅毒病例从2000年的468例增加到2013年的10,032例;相应的全国先天性梅毒发病率增加了近26倍,从2000年的每100,000例活产2.6例上升至2013年的69.9(3,4)。为了研究梅毒母婴传播的危险因素,2011年7月至2014年7月在中国东部苏州招募了一批患有梅毒新诊断的孕妇及其活产婴儿。多变量logistic回归结果表明,诊断为梅毒时的胎龄> 36周,较高的母亲血浆快速血凝素(RPR)滴度和较高的梅毒螺旋体颗粒凝集测定(TPPA)滴度是先天性梅毒的危险因素。在被诊断出孕龄超过36周的梅毒女性中,四分之三是移民女性。关于加强社区和服务提供者关于梅毒母婴传播,妊娠梅毒的早期诊断和及时治疗以及改善和提供产前保健和筛查具有临时居住身份的移徙孕妇的建议,可能会减少先天性梅毒在中国。



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