首页> 外文期刊>Mongolian Journal of Biological Sciences >The Nesting ecology of social wasps (Hymenoptera: Vespidae: Vespinae and Polistinae) in northern Mongolia

The Nesting ecology of social wasps (Hymenoptera: Vespidae: Vespinae and Polistinae) in northern Mongolia




Observations on the nesting characteristics and colony life of Mongolian socialwasps are essential to the fi eld due to the peripheral locations of species distributionranges and critical lack of such information. We found 35 nests of seven social waspspecies, including three vespine species (Dolichovespula saxonica, D. media andVespula vulgaris) and four polistine species (Polistes snelleni, P. riparius, P. nimphaand P. biglumis). Riparian woodland was the habitat where the most species (fi ve outof seven) nests were found. Nests of P. snelleni, Baikal-Far Eastern species, werefound only in river cut banks, in holes probably originally excavated by passerinebirds most likely sand martin (Riparia riparia). Nesting sites of D. saxonica werethe most diverse (bank hole, underground, aerial and birch stump/logs). Colony sizeof vespine wasps in northern Mongolia was relatively small (36-60 individuals).Nests of Polistes species (except P. snelleni) were found frequently on the branchesof willow (Salix sp.) and wild rose (Rosa acicularis). Other characteristicsassociated with each species nest were considered separately.
机译:由于物种分布范围的外围位置以及此类信息的严重缺乏,对蒙古社会黄蜂的筑巢特性和群体生活的观察对于该领域至关重要。我们发现了七个社会黄蜂物种的35个巢,其中包括三个蜂巢物种(Dolichovespula saxonica,D.media和Vespula vulgaris)和四个长柄蜂物种(Polistes snelleni,P。riparius,P。nimpha和P. biglumis)。沿岸林地是发现最多物种(最多七个)巢的栖息地。贝加尔河-远东物种P. snelleni的巢仅发现于河流切割的河岸,这些孔最初可能是由pass鸟挖掘出的孔,最有可能是沙丁鱼(Riparia riparia)。萨克森蜡D的筑巢地点最多样化(堤洞,地下,空中和桦树桩/原木)。蒙古北部的黄蜂黄蜂的种群规模较小(36-60只)。在柳树(Salix sp。)和野玫瑰(Rosa acicularis)的树枝上经常发现Polistes物种(除P. snelleni外)的巢。与每个物种巢相关的其他特征被单独考虑。



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