首页> 外文期刊>Molecular vision >The Application of in vivo laser scanning confocal microscopy as a tool of conjunctival in vivo cytology in the diagnosis of dry eye ocular surface disease

The Application of in vivo laser scanning confocal microscopy as a tool of conjunctival in vivo cytology in the diagnosis of dry eye ocular surface disease




Purpose: To evaluate the applicabilityof in vivo laser scanning confocal microscopy as a tool of conjunctivalcytology in a prospective case-control study. Methods: Nineteen right eyes of 19Sjogren’s syndrome dry eye patients (19 females; mean age: 55.8±15years), and 18 right eyes of 18 normal healthy control subjects (12females and 6 males; mean age: 50.8±14 years) were evaluated in thisstudy. The eyes were analyzed by the Heidelberg retina tomography(HRTII)/Rostock cornea module (RCM). Ocular surface and tear functiontests including vital stainings (fluorescein and Rose Bengal), Schirmertest, tear film break up time (BUT), and conjunctival impressioncytology were performed. After obtaining the confocal microscopyimages, the mean individual epithelial cell area (MIECA), andnucleocytoplasmic (N/C) ratio were analyzed. The correlation betweenconfocal microscopy and impression cytology parameters was alsoinvestigated. Results: The BUT, Schirmer test values,vital staining scores and squamous metaplasia grades in impressioncytology were significantly worse in dry eye patients compared tocontrols (p0.0001). The MIECA and the mean N/C ratios were worse indry eye subjects compared to controls both in impression cytology andin vivo confocal microscopy (p0.0001) with no significantdifferences between these parameters when the two examinationtechniques were compared. The MIECA and N/C ratio in conjunctivalimpression cytology showed significant correlation with thecorresponding confocal microscopy parameters (MIECA, r2:0.557; N/C, r2:0.765). Conclusions: Laser scanning confocalmicroscopy seems to be an efficient non-invasive tool in the evaluationof phenotypic alterations of the conjunctival epithelium in dry eyedisease. N/C ratio and MIECA appear to be two promising and newparameters of in vivo confocal cytology in the assessment of the ocularsurface in dry eye disease.
机译:目的:评价前瞻性病例对照研究中体内激光扫描共聚焦显微镜作为结膜细胞学检查工具的适用性。方法:对19例干燥综合征患者的19只右眼(女19例;平均年龄:55.8±15岁)和18例正常健康对照者(18例女性和6例男性;平均年龄:50.8±14岁)的18只右眼进行了评估。这项研究。通过海德堡视网膜断层扫描(HRTII)/罗斯托克角膜组件(RCM)对眼睛进行分析。进行包括活体染色(荧光素和玫瑰红)的眼表和泪液功能测试,Schirmertest,泪膜破裂时间(BUT)和结膜印象细胞学检查。获得共聚焦显微镜图像后,分析平均个体上皮细胞面积(MIECA)和核质(N / C)比。还研究了锥镜和印模细胞学参数之间的相关性。结果:与对照组相比,干眼患者的印象细胞学中的BUT,Schirmer测试值,活体染色评分和鳞状化生等级显着更差(p <0.0001)。在印模细胞学和体内共聚焦显微镜下,干眼受试者的MIECA和平均N / C比对照组较差,当比较这两种检查技术时,这些参数之间没有显着差异。结膜表达细胞学检查中的MIECA和N / C比值与相应的共聚焦显微镜参数(MIECA,r2:0.557; N / C,r2:0.765)显着相关。结论:激光扫描共聚焦显微镜似乎是评估干眼病中结膜上皮表型改变的一种有效的非侵入性工具。在干眼病眼表评估中,N / C比值和MIECA似乎是体内共聚焦细胞学的两个有希望的新参数。



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