首页> 外文期刊>Middle East Technical University Journal of the Faculty of Architecture >Evaluation Of Construct Elicitation As A Research Method To Obtain Design-Relevant Data From Children

Evaluation Of Construct Elicitation As A Research Method To Obtain Design-Relevant Data From Children




In design research, the importance of the input of children is wellrecognized.Technology has immersed into schools and daily lives ofchildren, bringing with it adaption of user-centered design principles inthe field. Although early works concentrated mostly on usability testing(Hanna et al., 1997), methodological approaches that involve children inthe earlier design phases have also been gaining popularity. Methods suchas “informant design” (Scaife and Rogers, 1999) and “contextual inquiry”(Druin, 2002) aim to ensure the maximum contribution of children throughsustained participation. Generative tools and techniques such as collagesand stickers (Gielen, 2008), “write/draw task” and “photo voice” (Hussain,2010) and “KidReporter” (Bekker et al., 2003) also help designers to betterunderstand children’s needs. That said, the majority of studies in the fieldhave sought to garner children’s opinions in the testing phase (Jensenand Skov, 2005; Yarosh et al., 2010) rather than attempting to integratetheir subjective perspectives into major design decisions, which limitsthe contributions of children to usability improvement. User experience,however, goes beyond usability, embodying hedonic as well as pragmaticaspects of the interaction of the user with the product (Hassenzahl, 2004),and acknowledges the importance of social and cultural aspects in the wayswe experience products (Forlizzi and Ford, 2000).
机译:在设计研究中,儿童输入的重要性已得到充分认识。技术已渗透到儿童的学校和日常生活中,并使其适应了以用户为中心的设计原则。尽管早期的工作主要集中在可用性测试上(Hanna等,1997),但涉及儿童早期设计阶段的方法论方法也越来越流行。 “信息设计”(Scaife和Rogers,1999)和“情境查询”(Druin,2002)等方法旨在通过持续参与来确保儿童的最大贡献。诸如拼贴和贴纸(Gielen,2008),“写/画任务”和“照片语音”(Hussain,2010)以及“ KidReporter”(Bekker等人,2003)等生成工具和技术还可以帮助设计师更好地理解儿童的需求。也就是说,该领域的大多数研究都试图在测试阶段收集儿童的意见(Jensenand Skov,2005; Yarosh等,2010),而不是试图将其主观观点整合到主要的设计决策中,这限制了儿童对游戏的贡献。可用性提高。但是,用户体验超越了可用性,体现了享乐主义以及用户与产品交互的务实方面(Hassenzahl,2004年),并承认社会和文化方面对我们体验产品的方式的重要性(Forlizzi和Ford,2000年) )。



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