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Bundling of Non-Complementary Products




We extend the model of Matutes and Regibeau (1988) to examine the incentive to bundle in both monopoly and duopoly market. Matutes and Regibeau (1988) assumed the products were complementary products in a duopoly market. Under the assumption of complementary products, bundling and independent pricing is same for a monopoly. In a duopoly market, independent pricing is always preferred. We extend their model by assuming the products are non-complementary. By adding the single product consumption, we find different results. In a monopoly market, when the reservation price is relatively small, independent pricing dominates bundling and the sum of the prices of the products under independent pricing is higher than the bundle price. If reservation price is high, the results are opposite. In addition, the market can never be fully served under bundling as reservation price increases. In a duopoly market, we find that bundling may be preferred.
机译:我们扩展了Matutes和Regibeau(1988)的模型,研究了垄断和双头垄断市场捆绑的动机。 Matutes和Regibeau(1988)假定产品是双头垄断市场中的互补产品。在互补产品的假设下,捆绑和独立定价对于垄断是相同的。在双头垄断市场中,始终首选独立定价。我们通过假设产品是非互补的来扩展他们的模型。通过增加单个产品的消费量,我们得出不同的结果。在垄断市场中,当保留价格相对较小时,独立定价主导捆绑销售,并且独立定价下产品的价格总和高于捆绑销售价格。如果预订价格很高,则结果相反。此外,随着预订价格的上涨,永远无法完全满足市场需求。在双头垄断市场中,我们发现捆绑可能是首选。



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