首页> 外文期刊>Geologia USP : Série Científica >An??lise estratigr??fica da Forma?§?£o Brejo Santo, Bacia do Araripe, Nordeste do Brasil: implica?§?μes paleogeogr??ficas

An??lise estratigr??fica da Forma?§?£o Brejo Santo, Bacia do Araripe, Nordeste do Brasil: implica?§?μes paleogeogr??ficas

机译:巴西东北部Araripe盆地Brejo Santo地层的地层分析:暗示古地理?



The Araripe Basin has been the subject of several publications in the recent years, notably with respect to the rich paleontological collection of Brejo Santo, Crato and Romualdo Formations. However, papers detailing stratigraphic aspects of Brejo Santo Formation are scarce. The formation (Mesozoic era - Dom Jo?£o Stage) is represented by a predominantly pelithic succession (up to 450 m thick) outcropping in eastern portion of the basin. The Brejo Santo Formation unconformably overlies the Cariri Formation, presumably of Paleozoic age, and makes gradational contact with the overlying Miss?£o Velha Formation. It consists of pelithes, such as massive to laminated reddish-brown chalks and calciferous shales with decimetric intercalations of white to greenish-grey siltstones and centimetric layers of reddish mottled, speckled and striped shales, with calcareous nodules, and subordinately, muddy limestones and highly fossiliferous calciferous sandstones and fine sandstones with planar cross-stratifications. The measured paleocurrents have a consistent dispersion pattern for SE, SW and S, suggesting the installation of an open wide basin toward the south. The facies and facies associations described were interpreted as generated by (i) lake systems in which periodically the level of the lakes and/or ponds suffered sudden variations, causing changes in coloration related to seasonal fluctuations in the level of the lake (periods of subaerial exposure) and (ii) ephemeral river systems which fed these lakes. The widespread occurrence of fossil organisms, such as non-marine ostracods and conchostracheans suggest that the sediments of Brejo Santo Formation were possibly deposited in lacustrine-fluviatile systems favorable to the formation of red beds layers, under hot climatic conditions with well-defined dry seasons, corroborating the depositional system interpretation.
机译:近年来,Araripe盆地已成为几本出版物的主题,特别是在Brejo Santo,Crato和Romualdo地层的丰富的古生物学收藏方面。但是,很少有关于Brejo Santo地层的地层学方面的论文很少。地层(中生代-Dom Jo?o阶段)以盆地东部显露的块状岩层(厚度最大为450 m)为代表。 Brejo Santo地层不整合在Cari​​ri地层之上,大概是古生代,并且与上覆的Miss?o Velha地层形成渐变接触。它由卵石组成,例如块状到层状的红棕色白垩和钙化页岩,具有白色至绿灰色粉砂岩的分度夹层,以及厘米级的红色斑驳,斑点和条纹的页岩层,钙质结节,从属石灰岩和泥质石灰岩化石钙化砂岩和平面交叉分层的精细砂岩。测得的古电流对于SE,SW和S具有一致的色散模式,这表明向南安装了一个开放的宽水盆。所描述的相和相联系被解释为是由(i)湖泊系统产生的,在这些系统中,湖泊和/或池塘的水位会周期性地发生突然变化,从而导致与湖水位的季节性波动有关的色泽变化(陆上时期)暴露)和(ii)为这些湖泊供食的短暂河流系统。化石生物的广泛存在,例如非海洋类的兽脚类动物和贝壳类动物,表明在炎热的气候条件和明确的干旱季节下,布雷霍·桑托组的沉积物可能沉积在有利于形成红层的湖相-尿液系统中。 ,证实了沉积系统的解释。



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