首页> 外文期刊>MicrobiologyOpen >Diversity of symbioses between chemosynthetic bacteria and metazoans at the Guiness cold seep site (Gulf of Guinea, West Africa)

Diversity of symbioses between chemosynthetic bacteria and metazoans at the Guiness cold seep site (Gulf of Guinea, West Africa)




AbstractFauna from deep-sea cold seeps worldwide is dominated by chemosymbiotic metazoans. Recently, investigation of new sites in the Gulf of Guinea yielded numerous new species for which symbiosis was strongly suspected. In this study, symbioses are characterized in five seep-specialist metazoans recently collected from the Guiness site located at ∼600 m depth. Four bivalve and one annelid species belonging to families previously documented to harbor chemosynthetic bacteria were investigated using bacterial marker gene sequencing, fluorescence in situ hybridization, and stable isotope analyses. Results support that all five species display chemosynthetic, sulfur-oxidizing γ-proteobacteria. Bacteria are abundant in the gills of bivalves, and in the trophosome of the siboglinid annelid. As observed for their relatives occurring at deeper sites, chemoautotrophy is a major source of carbon for animal nutrition. Although symbionts found in each host species are related to symbionts found in other metazoans from the same families, several incongruencies are observed among phylogenetic trees obtained from the different bacterial genes, suggesting a certain level of heterogeneity in symbiont strains present. Results provide new insights into the diversity, biogeography, and role of symbiotic bacteria in metazoans from the Gulf of Guinea, at a site located at an intermediate depth between the continental shelf and the deep sea.
机译:摘要来自全球深海冷渗漏的动物主要是化共生后生动物。最近,对几内亚湾的新地点进行调查后,产生了许多新物种,这些物种被强烈怀疑具有共生作用。在这项研究中,共生酶的特征是最近从位于约600 m深度的吉尼斯地区收集的五个渗流专家后生动物。使用细菌标记基因测序,荧光原位杂交和稳定同位素分析研究了四个双壳类和一个属于过去报道过的拥有化学合成细菌的科的类群。结果支持所有五个物种显示化学合成的,硫氧化的γ-变形杆菌。双壳类ves和拟南芥核仁的滋养体中细菌丰富。正如其亲属发生在更深的地方所观察到的那样,化学自养是动物营养中碳的主要来源。尽管在每个寄主物种中发现的共生菌与在相同家族的其他后生动物中发现的共生菌有关,但在从不同细菌基因获得的系统发育树中观察到了几种不一致,表明存在的共生菌菌株具有一定程度的异质性。研究结果为几内亚湾后生动物中的共生细菌的多样性,生物地理学和作用提供了新的见识,该地点位于大陆架和深海之间的中间深度。



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