首页> 外文期刊>Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz >The prevalence of norovirus, astrovirus and adenovirus infections among hospitalised children with acute gastroenteritis in Porto Velho, state of Rond?nia, western Brazilian Amazon

The prevalence of norovirus, astrovirus and adenovirus infections among hospitalised children with acute gastroenteritis in Porto Velho, state of Rond?nia, western Brazilian Amazon




Although viruses are well-established causes of acute gastroenteritis, few data on the circulation of these pathogens in Porto Velho, state of Rond?nia, Brazil, are available. Thus, faecal samples from hospitalised diarrhoeic children, under six years of age, were collected and tested for the presence of norovirus (NoV), adenovirus (AdV) and astrovirus (AstV) from February 2010-February 2012. Specimens were screened by reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction and viruses were found in 10.7% (63/591) of the cases. NoV, AdV and AstV were detected in 7.8%, 2% and 0.8% of the samples, respectively. NoV infection was observed at all ages and was most prevalent in zero-18-month-old children (84.7%; p = 0.002). A higher incidence of NoV was detected from February-April 2010, when it was found in 52.2% of the cases. Co-infections involving these viruses, rotavirus and enteropathogenic bacteria were detected in 44.4% (28/63) of the children with viral diarrhoea. Nosocomial infections were demonstrated in 28.6% (18/63) of the cases in which viruses were detected. The present paper reports, for the first time, the circulation of NoV and AstV among the paediatric population of Porto Velho and it contributes to our understanding of the roles of these pathogens in gastrointestinal infections.
机译:尽管病毒是急性胃肠炎的公认病因,但在巴西隆德尼亚州的韦尔霍港,有关这些病原体传播的数据很少。因此,从2010年2月至2012年2月,从住院的6岁以下腹泻儿童的粪便样本中收集并测试了诺如病毒(NoV),腺病毒(AdV)和星状病毒(AstV)的存在。 10.7%(63/591)的病例中发现了转录聚合酶链反应和病毒。分别在7.8%,2%和0.8%的样品中检测到NoV,AdV和AstV。在所有年龄段均观察到NoV感染,在0-18个月大的儿童中最为普遍(84.7%; p = 0.002)。从2010年2月至4月发现NoV的发病率更高,当时在52.2%的病例中发现了。在患有病毒性腹泻的儿童中,发现有44.4%(28/63)的儿童与这些病毒,轮状病毒和肠致病菌共感染。在检测到病毒的病例中,有28.6%(18/63)表现出医院感染。本文首次报道了NoV和AstV在Porto Velho儿科人群中的传播,这有助于我们了解这些病原体在胃肠道感染中的作用。



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