首页> 外文期刊>Geologia USP : Série Científica >Bentonitas da Forma?§?£o Irati no setor sul da Bacia do Paran??

Bentonitas da Forma?§?£o Irati no setor sul da Bacia do Paran??




This paper aims to identify and to present mineralogical and chemical arguments that demonstrate the existence of bentonite??levels in the Irati Formation, found in outcrops to the west Acegu??, in southern Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil). These levels are??thin, on average 4 cm thick, large in area, and are composed of grayish-white to greenish massive claystones that contrast,??in the field, with the shales of the Irati Formation. The bentonite levels of the Irati Formation are predominantly composed??of Ca-montmorillonite, which constitutes the fine matrix of the rock; and scattered primary or magmatic crystals not larger??than very fine sand. Among the main primary minerals representative of volcanic setting, it is possible to identify ?2-quartz??paramorphs, sanidine, biotite, zircon, apatite and ilmenite, in addition to quartz and feldspar shards (splinters). More rarely,??fragments of meso and macrocharcoals are found within the bentonite layers, which contrast with the maturity and type??of non-vegetal organic matter of the Irati shale. Therefore, the nature of the precursor volcanism is inferred on the basis??of rock geochemistry and crystal chemistry of the neoformed montmorillonite in the bentonite levels. Both methodologies??indicate that during this period the volcanic ashes that reached the Paran?? Basin were generated by volcanism of intermediate??composition, which is in accordance with what is known about the Lower Choiyoi Volcanic Province manifestations, which??were synchronous with the sedimentation of the Irati Formation in the Paran?? Basin.
机译:本文旨在确定并提出矿物学和化学论证,以证明在南里奥格兰德州(巴西)西阿塞古的露头中发现的伊拉蒂岩层中存在膨润土。这些层很薄,平均厚度为4厘米,面积很大,由灰白色至绿色的块状粘土构成,与现场的Irati组页岩形成鲜明对比。 Irati组的膨润土含量主要由Ca-蒙脱石组成,Ca-蒙脱石构成了岩石的精细基质。散落的初级或岩浆晶体不大于非常细的沙子。在代表火山环境的主要主要矿物中,除了石英和长石碎片(碎片)外,还可以鉴定出β2-石英,亚型,山梨,黑云母,锆石,磷灰石和钛铁矿。很少有人在膨润土层中发现内消旋和大分子炭的碎片,这与Irati页岩的非植被有机物的成熟度和类型形成鲜明对比。因此,根据膨润土层中新形成的蒙脱土的岩石地球化学和晶体化学,可以推断出前驱火山作用的性质。两种方法都表明在此期间到达帕兰的火山灰。盆地是由中间“组成”的火山作用产生的,这与人们对下蔡伊伊伊火山省的表现形式(与帕拉纳伊拉提组的沉积同步)一致。盆地。



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