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Socioeconomic Status Modifies the Seasonal Effect on Blood Pressure: Findings From a National Panel Study




Seasonal variations in blood pressure have been consistently reported. However, uncertainty remains about the size of the seasonal effect in different regions, and about factors that explain the differences observed across and within populations. Using data from a national panel study, we investigated seasonal variations in blood pressure in the South African adult population, and whether these variations differed across socioeconomic strata. We estimated age-specific seasonal effects on blood pressure using a multilevel structural equation model, with repeated measurements nested within subjects. Effect modification by socioeconomic status was assessed by repeating the analyses in the subpopulations defined by levels of education, household income per capita, and type of housing. In men and women, season had a statistically significant effect on blood pressure, with higher levels in winter and lower levels in summer. For systolic blood pressure, the magnitude of the seasonal effect was 4.25/4.21 mmHg (women/men) and was higher in the older age groups. For diastolic blood pressure, the effect size was 4.00/4.01 mmHg, with no evident age trend. Seasonal effects were higher among subjects in the lowest socioeconomic classes than in the highest, with differences between 2.4 and 7.7 mmHg, depending on gender, whether systolic or diastolic blood pressure, and socioeconomic status indicator. In the South African adult population, blood pressure shows seasonal variation modified by age and socioeconomic status. These variations have epidemiological, clinical, and public health implications, including the prospect of population level intervention to reduce elevated risk of cold weather cardiovascular morbidity.
机译:血压的季节性变化已得到一致报道。但是,不确定性仍然存在于不同地区的季节性影响的大小,以及解释人口之间和人口内部差异的因素。我们使用来自全国性小组研究的数据,调查了南非成年人口血压的季节性变化,以及这些变化是否在整个社会经济阶层中都不同。我们使用多级结构方程模型估算了特定年龄段的血压对季节性的影响,重复测量嵌套在受试者体内。通过在教育程度,家庭人均收入和住房类型所定义的亚人群中重复分析,来评估社会经济地位对效果的影响。在男性和女性中,季节对血压有统计学意义的影响,冬季较高,夏季较低。对于收缩压,季节性影响的幅度为4.25 / 4.21 mmHg(女性/男性),在较高年龄组中较高。对于舒张压,效果大小为4.00 / 4.01 mmHg,无明显的年龄趋势。在社会经济地位最低的人群中,季节效应要高于最高的人群,其季节差异在2.4和7.7 mmHg之间,具体取决于性别,收缩压或舒张压以及社会经济状况指标。在南非成年人口中,血压显示出随年龄和社会经济状况而改变的季节性变化。这些差异具有流行病学,临床和公共卫生方面的意义,包括进行人群水平干预以减少寒冷天气导致心血管疾病的风险增加的前景。



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