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External fixation combined with delayed internal fixation in treatment of tibial plateau fractures with dislocation




The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical efficacy of external fixation, delayed open reduction, and internal fixation in treating tibial plateau fracture with dislocation. Clinical data of 34 patients diagnosed with tibial plateau fracture complicated with dislocation between January 2009 and May 2015 were retrospectively analyzed. Fifteen patients in group A underwent early calcaneus traction combined with open reduction and internal fixation and 19 in group B received early external fixation combined with delayed open reduction and internal fixation. Operation time, postoperative complication, bone healing time, knee joint range of motion, initial weight-bearing time, Rasmussen tibial plateau score, and knee function score (HSS) were statistically compared between 2 groups. The mean follow-up time was 18.6 months (range: 5–24 months). The mean operation time in group A was 96 minutes, significantly longer than 71 minutes in group B ( P .05). In group A, initial weight-bearing time in group A was (14.0 ± 3.6) weeks, significantly differing from (12.9 ± 2.8) weeks in group B ( P 0.05). Rasmussen tibial plateau score in group A was slightly lower than that in group B ( P > .05). The excellent rate of knee joint function in group A was 80% and 84.21% in group B ( P > .05). External fixation combined with delayed open reduction and internal fixation is a safer and more efficacious therapy of tibial plateau fracture complicated with dislocation compared with early calcaneus traction and open reduction and internal fixation.
机译:本研究的目的是评估外固定,延迟复位复位和内固定治疗胫骨平台骨折合并脱位的临床疗效。回顾性分析2009年1月至2015年5月诊断为胫骨平台骨折并脱位的34例患者的临床资料。 A组中有15例患者接受了早期跟骨牵引联合切开复位内固定,B组中有19例接受了早期外固定并联合延迟切开复位内固定。比较两组的手术时间,术后并发症,骨愈合时间,膝关节活动范围,初始负重时间,胫骨平台高原评分和膝关节功能评分(HSS)。平均随访时间为18.6个月(范围:5-24个月)。 A组的平均手术时间为96分钟,明显长于B组的71分钟(P .05)。在A组中,A组的初始承重时间为(14.0±3.6)周,与B组的(12.9±2.8)周有显着差异(P 0.05)。 A组的Rasmussen胫骨平台评分略低于B组(P> 0.05)。 A组膝关节功能优良率分别为B组的80%和84.21%(P> 0.05)。与早期跟骨牵引及切开复位内固定相比,外固定结合延迟切开复位内固定是治疗胫骨平台骨折并脱位的安全,有效的方法。



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