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A Reseach to Measure Bosphorus Region Resydents? Tourism Support




The aim of this study is to examine whether there is a difference between the residents? tourism support on the development of tourism in the regions where tourism has developed however the regions? social, cultural, physical and political conditions are similar in some ways and also to state if there is a difference then find out the reason behind it ? which feature of the citizens caused such diffrence. With in this purpose first of all, Principal Components Analysis (PCA) was applied in order to discover the factors identifying Bosphorus Region residents? attytude towards tourism development, the objective and subjective variables considered and also to determine the relation between the variables the PCA was applied. Second, to define the rating of each factor supporting tourism in terms of PCA, Weighted Linear Combination Method was held. Research data was gathered via a survey applied to 476 people accomodating in Bosphorus Region in May and March in 2014. Considering the results of this researh it? s found out that the attitudes of the citizens of Bosphorus Region to torism region resydents? contribution of towards tourism development differed according to the perceived impact of tourism, effects of tourism on socio-cultural, physical and political environment and also the locational distribution of scors with in Bosphorus region is given. Finally, findings of this research are discussed with support of related literature.
机译:这项研究的目的是检验居民之间是否存在差异?旅游业对旅游业发展地区的旅游业发展的支持?社会,文化,自然和政治状况在某些方面相似,并且要指出是否存在差异,然后找出背后的原因?公民的哪些特征造成了这种差异。为此,首先应用主成分分析(PCA)来发现识别博斯普鲁斯地区居民的因素?重视旅游业的发展,考虑客观和主观变量,并确定应用PCA的变量之间的关系。其次,为了确定支持PCA的支持旅游业的每个因素的等级,采用了加权线性组合法。通过对2014年5月和3月在博斯普鲁斯地区(Bosphorus Region)居住的476人进行的调查收集了研究数据。考虑到这次研究的结果吗?我们发现博斯普鲁斯海峡地区居民对暴行地区居民的态度是稳定的吗?根据对旅游业的感知影响,旅游业对社会文化,自然和政治环境的影响以及博斯普鲁斯海峡地区scor的位置分布,对旅游业发展的贡献也有所不同。最后,在相关文献的支持下讨论了本研究的结果。



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