首页> 外文期刊>Medical science monitor : >Reflex effects stimulating arterial baroreceptors and other cervical mechanoreceptors by neck suction in humans

Reflex effects stimulating arterial baroreceptors and other cervical mechanoreceptors by neck suction in humans




The study evaluates the influence of carotid baroreceptors activation and the combined activation of baroreceptors and mechanoreceptors located in the larynx and upper part of the trachea, on airway resistance in humans. The selective activation of baroreceptors was induced by generating a negative pressure (-40 mmHg) for 5 s in two capsules placed bilaterally on the neck over the bifurcation of the carotid arteries. The single chamber encompassing both frontal and lateral parts of the neck was used for simultaneous activation of the baroreceptors and upper airway mechanoreceptors. The above methods were validated by measurement of intra-oesophageal pressure. 50% of the negative pressure in the single chamber was transmitted to the oesophagus, whereas the pressure changes in the single capsules were not reflected at oesophagal level. Selective stimulation of carotid baroreceptors decreased airway resistance, whereas the opposite was true when both carotid baroreceptors, and upper airway mechanoreceptors were stimulated concomitantly. As atropine abolished the above changes in the airway resistance, it is suggested that the cholinergic efferent pathway is responsible for their occurrence. We conclude that in humans reflexes originating from carotid baroreceptors and mechanoreceptors in the larynx and trachea influence the airway resistance. In case of simultaneous activation of baroreceptors and mechanoreceptors of the upper airways the later one prevails the former.
机译:这项研究评估了颈动脉压力感受器的激活以及位于喉和气管上部的压力感受器和机械感受器的联合激活对人类气道阻力的影响。通过在颈动脉分叉处双侧置于颈部的两个胶囊中产生负压(-40 mmHg)5 s来诱导压力感受器的选择性激活。包含颈部的前部和侧部的单个腔室用于同时激活压力感受器和上呼吸道机械感受器。通过测量食道内压验证了上述方法。单个腔室中50%的负压传递到食道,而单个胶囊中的压力变化未反映在食道水平。颈动脉压力感受器的选择性刺激降低了气道阻力,而同时刺激颈动脉压力感受器和上呼吸道机械感受器时,情况恰恰相反。阿托品消除了气道阻力的上述变化,提示胆碱能的传出途径是其发生的原因。我们得出的结论是,在人类中,喉和气管中的颈动脉压力感受器和机械感受器产生的反射影响气道阻力。如果同时激活上呼吸道的压力感受器和机械感受器,则后一种为准。



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