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Selected surgical managements in snoring and obstructive sleep apnea patients




Background:The diagnostic process and the surgical procedures in patients with snoring and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) are crucial. The aim of this study was to assess the efficacy of surgical treatment in snoring and OSAS patients.Material/Methods:A precise laryngological examination and screening polysomnography (Poly-Mesam) were performed in all patients with mild, moderate and severe OSAS before and 6 months after surgery. The patients completed questionnaires concerning their complaints. We included patients qualified to septoplasty, laser-assisted uvulopalatoplasty (LAUP), uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP) and radiofrequency-induced thermotherapy of the tongue base (RITT). Outcome evaluation of surgery was performed on the basis of data received from follow-up laryngological examinations, selected parameters obtained from the Poly-Mesam test and follow-up questionnaires.Results:In most cases we observed improvement, defined as decreasing some sleep parameters, such as a respiratory disturbance index (RDI), by more than 50%, decreasing the loudness of snoring, decreasing the number of hypopneas, and obtaining better blood saturation values. After UPPP we noticed changes in retropalatal space, soft palate dimensions and uvula-posterior pharyngeal wall distance. In the postoperative period we did not observe severe complications. In some cases we found short-lived palatal deficiency after UPPP. Patients after RITT experienced discomfort and throat pain lasting from 2 to 4 days. In 2 patients we observed swelling of the tongue base, which decreased after few days.Conclusions:Surgery in OSAS contributes to normalization of some sleep parameters. The majority of patients experienced improvement after surgery.
机译:背景:打和阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合症(OSAS)患者的诊断过程和手术程序至关重要。材料/方法:对所有轻度,中度和重度OSAS患者在术前和术后6个月进行打precise和多导睡眠图检查(Poly-Mesam)。术后几个月。患者填写了有关其抱怨的问卷。我们纳入了符合以下条件的患者:隔膜成形术,激光辅助下腹膜成形术(LAUP),上睑下咽喉成形术(UPPP)和射频诱导的舌根热疗(RITT)。手术的结果评估是基于从后续喉科检查获得的数据,从Poly-Mesam测试获得的选定参数以及后续调查表进行的。结果:在大多数情况下,我们观察到改善,定义为减少一些睡眠参数,例如呼吸干扰指数(RDI)超过50%,可降低打的响度,减少呼吸不足的次数,并获得更好的血液饱和度值。 UPPP后,我们注意到pal后间隙,软pa尺寸和小舌-咽后壁距离的变化。在术后我们没有观察到严重的并发症。在某些情况下,我们发现UPPP后出现短暂的pa骨缺乏症。 RITT后的患者持续2到4天感到不适和喉咙疼痛。在2例患者中,我们观察到舌根肿胀,几天后减轻。结论:OSAS手术有助于某些睡眠参数的正常化。大部分患者术后均得到改善。



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