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Withholding planned speech is reflected in synchronized beta-band oscillations




When engaged in a conversation, speakers sometimes have to withhold a planned response, for example, before it is their turn to speak. In the present study, using magnetoencephalography (MEG) outside of a conversational setting, we investigate the oscillatory brain mechanisms involved in the process of withholding a planned verbal response until it is time to speak. Our participants viewed a sequence of four random consonant strings and one pseudoword, which they had to pronounce when the fifth string (the imperative stimulus) was presented. The pseudoword appeared either as the fourth or fifth stimulus in the sequence, creating two conditions. In the withhold condition, the pseudoword was the fourth string and the verbal response was withheld until the imperative stimulus was presented. In the control condition, the fifth string was the pseudoword, so no response was withheld. We compared oscillatory responses to the withhold relative to the control condition in the time period preceding speech. Alpha-beta power (8–30 Hz) decreased over occipital sensors in the withhold condition relative to the control condition. Source-level analysis indicated a posterior source (i.e., occipital cortex) associated with the alpha-beta power decreases. This occipital alpha-beta desynchronization likely reflects attentional allocation to the upcoming imperative stimulus. Moreover, beta (12–20 Hz) power increased over frontal sensors. Source-level analysis indicated a frontal source (i.e., middle and superior frontal gyri) associated with the beta-power increases. We interpret the frontal beta synchronization to reflect a mechanism aiding the maintenance of the current motor or cognitive state. Our results provide a window into a possible oscillatory mechanism implementing the ability of speakers to withhold a planned verbal response until they have to speak.
机译:进行对话时,说话者有时不得不隐瞒计划好的回应,例如在轮到他们发言之前。在当前的研究中,我们在对话环境之外使用脑磁图(MEG),我们调查了在计划中的口头反应直到发声的过程中所涉及的振荡脑机制。我们的参与者查看了四个随机辅音字符串和一个伪单词的序列,当第五个字符串(命令性刺激)出现时,他们必须发音。伪词作为序列中的第四或第五刺激出现,从而创造了两个条件。在扣留条件下,伪单词是第四个字符串,并且在做出命令性刺激之前,语音响应将被保留。在控制条件下,第五个字符串是伪字,因此未保留任何响应。我们比较了在语音之前的时间段内相对于控制条件的保留的振荡响应。相对于控制条件,在保持状态下,枕骨传感器的α-β功率(8–30 Hz)降低。来源水平的分析表明,与α-β功能降低相关的后源(即枕叶皮质)。枕骨α-β失步可能反映了对即将到来的命令性刺激的注意力分配。此外,相对于正面传感器,β(12–20 Hz)功率增加了。源级分析表明,与β功率增加相关的额叶源(即额中上中枢和上额回)。我们将额叶beta同步解释为反映一种有助于维持当前运动或认知状态的机制。我们的结果提供了一个可能的振荡机制的窗口,该机制实现了发言者保留计划的语言反应直到他们必须讲话之前的能力。



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