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Commentary: Cultural differences in on-line sensitivity to emotional voices: comparing East and West




On the basis of their visual mismatch negativity (vMMN) results, Liu et al. ( 2015 ) claim that processing of facial emotions is different between Chinese (and more generally “Eastern”) and Canadian (and more generally “Western”) people. Simply put, Eastern people are more sensitive to non-visual aspects of the environment, e.g., to the emotional tone of speech presented in the background of photographs of faces. I do not want to deny the possibility of such difference. However, I feel that the data by Liu et al. ( 2015 ) do not substantiate their claim. In short, they applied a modified three-stimulus oddball task, with circles as target stimuli and faces as non-target stimuli. There were photographs among the faces showing a frequent emotion category (standard) and a rare one (deviant). Such sequences were presented to Chinese and Canadian participants; same race photographs were used for each group. In the first condition, only visual stimuli were presented; in the second, the photographs were accompanied by meaningless emotional speech (congruent or incongruent with the photographs); and in the third, the auditory stimuli were tones. As for the details of stimulus presentation, EEG recording, etc., this study corresponds to the professional standard. The problematic issues are (1) the relationship between the present findings and the specific requirements of vMMN research; (2) the connection between the data and the interpretation. VMMN is considered as an index of an automatic process, elicited by the violation of regular stimulation. This is why in vMMN studies a primary task is introduced in order to distract attention from the vMMN-related stimuli (see Czigler, 2007 for a discussion). In the Liu et al. ( 2015 ) study single faces were presented in the center of an otherwise empty field for 800 ms with 650 ms mean ISI. Is it possible “not to attend” (ignore) such photographs? Are there any sophisticated adult participants who do not suspect that such salient events are an important part of the study? Even if the sequence of photographs becomes a bit boring, simultaneous presentations of the speech-like stimuli are supposed to exert alerting effects. As a conclusion, any deviant effects in this paradigm seem to be driven by a mixture of automatic and attentional processing. What I suggest for further research in this field is the application of more stringent control of attention. In some studies (Li et al., 2012 ; Stefanics et al., 2012 ) the task was presented in the center of the visual field, and the faces appeared beside the task field or at the edges of an imagery square. In case of central presentation of the vMMN-related stimuli, a continuous task with stimuli independent of the appearance the faces (e.g., Kecskes-Kovacs et al., 2013 ) seems to be appropriate for diverting attention. It should be noted that control of attention and the attentional effects on MMN were important issues the auditory MMN, even if diverting attention from auditory stimuli with visual events (silent movies, reading of interesting books) is fairly successful (for a discussion of the attention issue in the auditory modality from theoretical point of view see Sussman et al., 2014 ; and for the technical aspects see Campbell, 2015 ). The main results of the Liu et al. ( 2015 ) study are shown on their Figure 4. As the records in this figure indicate, in the 100–200 ms range in the speech-like condition the voltage maximum of the Chinese participants increased. The interpretation of this result deserves some comments. In case of a baseline-peak measure, there is no problem with these results. However, as this figure shows, the onset on the difference potentials was much earlier and in fact differences seemed to appear even before stimulus onset. The origin of the early effect is unaccounted for and it produces an offset, which casts a shadow on the interpretation of the subsequent differential effect as being a modulation of the MMN. Furthermore, it is obvious that in the Chinese group the negative shift observed is long lasting, rather than a modulation circumscribed to a particular range. As Figure 4 shows, the difference potentials were just as different in later latency ranges as within the 100–200 ms window. In both groups the negativity was longer in the speech-related condition, and with the tones it seems to be larger in the Canadian sample. Unfortunately, the authors did not report or discuss the later effects. In the language-related condition there were two types of sequences. In one of the sequences the speech-related and the face-related emotions were congruent, and in the other condition they were incongruent. Presumably (and reasonably) congruency was considered to be an important factor (as it was entered into the ANOVAs) but this factor had no effects on the ERPs. Thus, emotional content did not help Chinese participants to identify emotional contents, which directly contradicts the main hypothesis of t
机译:基于他们的视觉失配阴性(vMMN)结果,Liu等人。 (2015)声称,中国人(更普遍的是“东方”)和加拿大人(更普遍的是“西方”)的面部表情处理方式是不同的。简而言之,东方人对环境的非视觉方面更加敏感,例如,对面部照片背景中呈现的情感语调更加敏感。我不想否认这种差异的可能性。但是,我觉得刘等人的数据。 (2015)没有证实他们的主张。简而言之,他们应用了改进的三刺激奇异球任务,其中圆圈作为目标刺激,而脸部作为非目标刺激。脸上的照片显示出频繁的情感类别(标准)和罕见的情感类别(异常)。这些序列已提交给中国和加拿大参与者。每个组使用相同的种族照片。在第一种情况下,仅呈现视觉刺激。在第二张照片中,伴随着毫无意义的情感演讲(与照片一致或不一致);第三,听觉刺激是声调。至于刺激表现,脑电图记录等细节,本研究符合专业标准。有问题的问题是:(1)当前发现与vMMN研究的具体要求之间的关系; (2)数据与解释之间的联系。 VMMN被认为是违反常规刺激而引发的自动过程的索引。这就是为什么在vMMN研究中引入一项主要任务以分散对vMMN相关刺激的关注的原因(有关讨论,请参阅Czigler,2007)。在刘等。 (2015)研究单脸被呈现在一个空旷的领域的中心为800毫秒与650毫秒的平均ISI。是否可以“不参加”(忽略)此类照片?是否有任何老练的成年参与者不怀疑此类突出事件是研究的重要组成部分?即使照片的顺序变得有些无聊,但同时呈现类似语音的刺激也应具有警觉性。结论是,此范例中的任何异常影响似乎都是由自动处理和注意处理的混合驱动的。我建议对该领域进行进一步的研究是应用更严格的注意力控制。在某些研究中(Li等人,2012; Stefanics等人,2012),任务被呈现在视野的中央,并且面部出现在任务域的旁边或图像正方形的边缘。在集中展示与vMMN相关的刺激的情况下,连续刺激任务与面部外观无关(例如Kecskes-Kovacs等人,2013年)似乎适合转移注意力。应该注意的是,即使将注意力从听觉刺激转移到视觉事件(无声电影,阅读有趣的书籍)上,注意力的控制和对MMN的注意力影响也是听觉MMN的重要问题(用于讨论注意力)从理论的角度来看听觉形态上的问题参见Sussman等人,2014;技术方面参见Campbell,2015)。刘等人的主要结果。 (2015)的研究如图4所示。该图中的记录表明,在100-200 ms范围内的类似语音条件下,中国参与者的最大电压升高。该结果的解释值得一提。如果采用基线峰值测量,则这些结果没有问题。但是,如该图所示,差异电位的发作要早得多,实际上甚至在刺激发作之前就似乎出现了差异。早期效应的起源是无法解释的,并且会产生偏移,这在解释后续的差分效应为MMN的调制时蒙上了阴影。此外,很明显,在中国人群中,观察到的负向偏移是持久的,而不是限定在特定范围内的调制。如图4所示,在以后的等待时间范围内,差异电位与100–200 ms窗口内的差异一样大。在两组中,与语音相关的情况中,消极时间较长,而在加拿大样本中,随着语调的消极,似乎更大。不幸的是,作者没有报告或讨论后来的影响。在与语言相关的条件下,有两种类型的序列。在一个序列中,与语音有关的情绪和与面部有关的情绪是一致的,而在另一种情况下,它们是不一致的。大概(且合理)的一致性被认为是一个重要因素(因为它已被纳入ANOVA中),但是该因素对ERP并无影响。因此,情感内容并不能帮助中国参与者识别情感内容,这直接与t的主要假设相矛盾。



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