首页> 外文期刊>MBio >Multidrug Intrinsic Resistance Factors in Staphylococcus aureus Identified by Profiling Fitness within High-Diversity Transposon Libraries

Multidrug Intrinsic Resistance Factors in Staphylococcus aureus Identified by Profiling Fitness within High-Diversity Transposon Libraries




ABSTRACT Staphylococcus aureus is a leading cause of life-threatening infections worldwide. The MIC of an antibiotic against S.?aureus , as well as other microbes, is determined by the affinity of the antibiotic for its target in addition to a complex interplay of many other cellular factors. Identifying nontarget factors impacting resistance to multiple antibiotics could inform the design of new compounds and lead to more-effective antimicrobial strategies. We examined large collections of transposon insertion mutants in S.?aureus using t ransposo n seq uencing (Tn-Seq) to detect transposon mutants with reduced fitness in the presence of six clinically important antibiotics—ciprofloxacin, daptomycin, gentamicin, linezolid, oxacillin, and vancomycin. This approach allowed us to assess the relative fitness of many mutants simultaneously within these libraries. We identified pathways/genes previously known to be involved in resistance to individual antibiotics, including graRS and vraFG ( graRS/vraFG ), mprF , and fmtA , validating the approach, and found several to be important across multiple classes of antibiotics. We also identified two new, previously uncharacterized genes, SAOUHSC_01025 and SAOUHSC_01050 , encoding polytopic membrane proteins, as important in limiting the effectiveness of multiple antibiotics. Machine learning identified similarities in the fitness profiles of graXRS/vraFG , SAOUHSC_01025 , and SAOUHSC_01050 mutants upon antibiotic treatment, connecting these genes of unknown function to modulation of crucial cell envelope properties. Therapeutic strategies that combine a known antibiotic with a compound that targets these or other intrinsic resistance factors may be of value for enhancing the activity of existing antibiotics for treating otherwise-resistant S.?aureus strains . IMPORTANCE Bacterial resistance to every major class of antibiotics has emerged, and we are entering a “post-antibiotic era” where relatively minor infections can lead to serious complications or even death. The utility of an antibiotic for a specific pathogen is limited by both intrinsic and acquired factors. Identifying the repertoire of intrinsic resistance factors of an antibiotic for Staphylococcus aureus , a leading cause of community- and hospital-acquired infections, would inform the design of new drugs as well as the identification of compounds that enhance the activity of existing drugs. To identify factors that limit the activity of antibiotics against S.?aureus , we used Tn-Seq to simultaneously assess fitness of transposon mutants in every nonessential gene in the presence of six clinically important antibiotics. This work provides an efficient approach for identifying promising targets for drugs that can enhance susceptibility or restore sensitivity to existing antibiotics.
机译:摘要金黄色葡萄球菌是全世界威胁生命的感染的主要原因。除许多其他细胞因子之间复杂的相互作用外,抗金黄色葡萄球菌以及其他微生物的MIC取决于抗生素对其靶标的亲和力。识别影响多种抗生素耐药性的非靶标因素可以为新化合物的设计提供依据,并导致更有效的抗菌策略。我们使用转染测序(Tn-Seq)检查了金黄色葡萄球菌中大量的转座子插入突变体,以检测在六种临床上重要的抗生素(环丙沙星,达托霉素,庆大霉素,利奈唑胺,奥沙西林,和万古霉素。这种方法使我们能够同时评估这些库中许多突变体的相对适应性。我们确定了以前已知对单个抗生素具有抗性的途径/基因,包括graRS和vraFG(graRS / vraFG),mprF和fmtA,验证了这种方法,发现其中几种在多种抗生素中很重要。我们还确定了两个新的,以前未表征的基因SAOUHSC_01025和SAOUHSC_01050,它们编码多聚膜蛋白,对限制多种抗生素的有效性很重要。机器学习确定了抗生素治疗后graXRS / vraFG,SAOUHSC_01025和SAOUHSC_01050突变体的适应性谱相似,将未知功能的这些基因与关键细胞包膜特性的调控联系起来。将已知抗生素与靶向这些或其他内在耐药因素的化合物相结合的治疗策略可能对增强现有抗生素治疗原本耐药的金黄色葡萄球菌菌株的活性具有价值。重要性对每种主要抗生素的细菌耐药性已经出现,我们正在进入“后抗生素时代”,相对较小的感染可能导致严重的并发症甚至死亡。抗生素对特定病原体的效用受到内在因素和后天因素的限制。确定金黄色葡萄球菌抗生素的内在抗性因子库是社区和医院获得性感染的主要原因,这将有助于新药的设计以及增强现有药物活性的化合物的鉴定。为了确定限制抗生素抗金黄色葡萄球菌活性的因素,我们使用Tn-Seq同时评估了在六种临床上重要的抗生素存在下每个非必需基因中转座子突变体的适应性。这项工作为确定可以增强药敏性或恢复对现有抗生素敏感性的药物的有希望的靶标提供了一种有效的方法。



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