首页> 外文期刊>Materia Socio Medica >The Role and Characteristics of Collections of Folk Recepies in the Folk and Traditional Medicine of Bosnia and Herzegovina -

The Role and Characteristics of Collections of Folk Recepies in the Folk and Traditional Medicine of Bosnia and Herzegovina -




Introduction: Folk medicine represents part of the folk culture, when we first think about the rural culture with characteristic of the rural population in the pre-industrial period. The difference between official and folk medicine is manifested in the education, knowledge and social status of those practicing folk medicine as well as their patients. The most common ways of treating were the treatment by use of herbs, magic and treatments based on religious beliefs. So, it is of no surprise that folk medicine was the main form of treatment for the inhabitants of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) in the past. In addition to many herbalists, quacks and religious officials who treated the patients with records, there were also spells, i.e. women who, by pronouncing various magic formulas, treated the patients. Each village had at least one person who practiced this type of treatment. Discussion: Numerous, original documents and records have been stored in the archives of the monastery throughout B&H, including very valuable literature in the field of medicine and pharmacy, which testifies of the very important role of Franciscans in the treatment of the population in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The most extensive health service of the Franciscans since their arrival in Bosnia in 1291 was the decadent era of Turkish rule, mostly from the 17th century until the Austro-Hungarian occupation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1978. In the sources of national thought, and on the basis of professional medical books, the Franciscans created recipes for the treatment of certain diseases, which they then collected in so-called „Ljekaruse“ (Collections of folk recipes), and over time there was a lot of them. Most of the ljekarusa are hand-printed booklets, for some it is known the time and place of creation, and less often the author of the text. Ljekarusa is a very important source of information about our medical past. Some of them were processed and recorded, while a significant part of these manuscripts remained unknown to the general public. They included recipes for various diseases and the names they were called by the people. Professional terms were not used, nor were the illnesses and the recipes ordered in any order or systematic manner. We learn from them that our people were once treated in the absence of doctors and pharmacists. Most commonly mentioned are various herbs, animal parts, mineral substances, and some of these recipes can be even applied today. All medicines continue to be transcribed by the people and valued as good old medical receipts. Conclusion: This review article presents a book (ljekaruse) that was archived in several famous monasteries in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
机译:简介:当我们首先考虑具有前工业化时期农村人口特征的乡村文化时,民间医学就代表了民间文化的一部分。官方医学和民间医学之间的差异体现在从事民间医学的人员及其患者的教育,知识和社会地位。最常见的治疗方法是使用草药,魔术和基于宗教信仰的治疗方法。因此,过去,民间医学是波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那居民的主要治疗形式也就不足为奇了。除了许多以病历治疗病人的中医师,庸医和宗教官员外,还有咒语,即妇女,她们通过发音各种魔术公式来治疗病人。每个村庄至少有一个从事这种治疗的人。讨论:在B&H的整个修道院中,许多原始文件和记录已存储在修道院的档案中,包括医学和药学领域的非常有价值的文献,这证明了方济各会主义者在波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那人口的治疗中非常重要的作用。黑塞哥维那。自方济各会教徒于1291年到达波斯尼亚以来,他们得到的最广泛的卫生服务是土耳其统治的era废时代,主要是从17世纪直到1978年奥匈帝国对波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那的占领。在专业医学书籍的基础上,方济各会主义者创建了用于治疗某些疾病的食谱,然后将其收集在所谓的“ Ljekaruse”(民间食谱集)中,随着时间的流逝,它们很多。 ljekarusa的大多数都是手工印刷的小册子,因为有些人知道创作的时间和地点,而文字的作者却很少。列加鲁萨(Ljekarusa)是有关我们过去医疗状况的非常重要的信息来源。其中一些经过处理和记录,而这些手稿的很大一部分仍然是普通大众所不知道的。它们包括各种疾病的食谱以及人们所称的名字。没有使用专业术语,也没有以任何顺序或系统的方式订购疾病和食谱。我们从他们那里得知,我们的人民曾经在没有医生和药剂师的情况下得到过治疗。最常提及的是各种草药,动物部位,矿物质,其中一些食谱甚至可以在今天使用。所有药物继续被人们转录,并被视作良好的旧医疗收据。结论:这篇评论文章提出了一本书(ljekaruse),该书已在波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那的几个著名寺院中存档。



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