首页> 外文期刊>Marine ecology progress series >Light reductions drive macroinvertebrate changes in Amphibolis griffithii seagrass habitat

Light reductions drive macroinvertebrate changes in Amphibolis griffithii seagrass habitat




ABSTRACT: Numerous anthropogenic activities can significantly reduce the amount of light reaching seagrass habitats. Typically these result in morphological and physiological changes to the plant and associated algal epiphytes. However, the flow-on effects to seagrass-dependent fauna induced by these disturbances has yet to be examined. This study investigated the effects of different light reduction intensity (high: ~92% reduction; moderate: ~84% reduction), duration (3, 6 and 9 mo) and timing (post-winter and post-summer) on the density and biomass of macroinvertebrate epifauna within an Amphibolis griffithii seagrass ecosystem (Western Australia). There were generally lower epifauna densities and biomass within shaded seagrass plots. When moderate intensity shading was imposed at the end of winter, total density in unshaded controls was 31% lower at 3 mo, and 78% lower at 9 mo. When high intensity shading was imposed, total density was 38% lower than in controls at 3 mo, and 89% lower by 9 mo. Although densities varied, similar magnitudes of decline occurred in post-summer shaded treatments. Taxa-specific responses were variable in terms of time, rapidity and magnitude of response. Amphipod, isopod and gastropod densities generally declined in response to shading. Bivalve densities declined with shading post-summer, but not post-winter. Ostracod densities had an inconsistent response to moderate shading. Changes in epifaunal density were largely associated with declines in algal biomass, leaf variables and stem biomass, indicating food and habitat limitations. It is likely that the significant declines in epifauna observed in this experiment would have flow-on consequences to higher trophic levels.
机译:摘要:许多人为活动可以大大减少到达海草栖息地的光量。通常,这些会导致植物和相关藻类附生植物的形态和生理变化。但是,这些干扰对依赖海草的动物的顺带作用尚待研究。这项研究调查了不同的减光强度(高:约92%降低;中度:约84%降低),持续时间(3、6和9个月)和时间(冬季和夏季后)对密度和密度的影响。香波两栖动物海草生态系统内的大型无脊椎动物表生动物的生物量(西澳大利亚州)。在阴凉的海草地带内,动物的密度和生物量通常较低。当在冬季结束时实施中等强度的遮光时,未遮光对照的总密度在3 mo时降低31%,在9 mo时降低78%。施加高强度阴影时,在3 mo时,总密度比对照组低38%,在9 mo时,总密度低89%。尽管密度变化,但是在夏季后的遮荫处理中出现相似的下降幅度。特定分类群的响应在时间,响应速度和响应强度方面各不相同。由于阴影,两栖类,等足类和腹足类的密度普遍下降。双壳类的密度随着夏季后的阴影而下降,但在冬季后没有下降。胸骨密度对中等阴影的反应不一致。表皮密度的变化主要与藻类生物量,叶片变量和茎生物量的下降有关,表明食物和生境的局限性。在该实验中观察到的表生动物的显着下降可能会导致营养水平升高的持续后果。



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