首页> 外文期刊>Marine ecology progress series >Climate-driven synchrony in otolith growth-increment chronologies for three Bering Sea flatfish species

Climate-driven synchrony in otolith growth-increment chronologies for three Bering Sea flatfish species




ABSTRACT: Dendrochronology (tree-ring science) techniques were applied to otolith growth increments in 3 flatfish species collected from the eastern Bering Sea: northern rock sole Lepidopsetta polyxystra, yellowfin sole Limanda aspera, and Alaska plaice Pleuronectes quadrituberculatus. Within each species, otoliths were visually crossdated to ensure that the correct calendar year was assigned to each growth increment. Growth-increment widths were measured in each otolith, crossdating was statistically checked, and a single master chronology was generated for each species by averaging measurement time series after age-related growth declines had been removed. The 3 final chronologies spanned 18 to 20 yr and were significantly correlated with each other (p 0.001), indicating a high level of growth synchrony among species. Final chronologies were compared to annual and monthly climate variables including water temperature, ice cover, the Pacific Decadal Oscillation, and the El Niño Southern Oscillation. Of the climate indices examined, chronologies were most strongly related to summertime eastern Bering Sea bottom temperatures, with R2 values of 0.81, 0.61, and 0.34 for the yellowfin sole, Alaska plaice, and northern rock sole chronologies, respectively. Chronologies were significantly (p 0.01) and positively related to monthly resolved records of sea surface temperature, though the seasons of the year exhibiting the strongest correlations varied among species. The present study suggests that flatfish growth is strongly influenced by the temperature of the eastern Bering Sea, underscoring the effect of climate on fisheries in a high-latitude ecosystem.
机译:摘要:应用树轮年代学(年轮科学)技术对从白令海东部采集的3种比目鱼的耳石生长增量进行了研究:北部岩唯一的 Lepidopsetta polyxystra ,黄鳍唯一的 Limanda aspera 和阿拉斯加pla Pleuronectes quadrituberculatus 。在每个物种内,耳石在视觉上划线,以确保为每个生长增量分配正确的日历年。在每个耳石中测量生长增量的宽度,统计检查交叉,通过消除与年龄有关的生长下降后的测量时间序列的平均值,为每个物种生成单个主年表。这3个最终年代跨度为18至20年,并且彼此之间具有显着相关性(p <0.001),表明物种间的高度同步生长。将最终年代与年度和每月气候变量进行比较,包括水温,冰盖,太平洋年代际涛动和厄尔尼诺南方涛动。在所检查的气候指数中,时间顺序与夏季白令海东部海底温度密切相关,黄鳍底,阿拉斯加和北部岩石底的R 2 值分别为0.81、0.61和0.34。 , 分别。时间序列显着(p <0.01),并且与每月解析的海面温度记录呈正相关,尽管一年中各个季节之间显示出最强的相关性。本研究表明,白令海东部的温度强烈影响比目鱼的生长,这突显了气候对高纬度生态系统中渔业的影响。



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