首页> 外文期刊>Future Cities and Environment >Planned energy-efficient retrofitting of a residential building in Italy

Planned energy-efficient retrofitting of a residential building in Italy




Abstract The planned energy-efficient retrofitting of a residential building in Bologna, North-Center Italy is presented. The building is a detached house with an unheated basement, three floors with 2 apartments each, and an unheated attic. The total heated floor area is 281.9?m_(2). The external wall is made of solid brick masonry and most windows are single glazed; no thermal insulation is present. Space heating is supplied by a gas boiler and radiators in the rooms. DHW is supplied by single-apartment electric boilers in 5 apartments and by a gas boiler in one apartment. Lighting is obtained by incandescent lamps. The proposed retrofitting includes: external thermal insulation of the vertical walls by calcium silicate hydrates and loft insulation by mineral wool; replacement of windows; installation of a multifunction air-to-water heat pump for heating, cooling and DHW; replacement of the radiators by new heat exchangers; LED lighting; installation of PV panels. The building has been simulated by TRNSYS 17, and the heat pump has been simulated by own MATLAB codes. The retrofitting will reduce the total annual use of primary energy (excluding appliances) from 332.5 to 44.8 kWh/m_(2), and will yield an important improvement of thermal comfort.
机译:摘要介绍了意大利北部中部博洛尼亚市某住宅建筑的节能改造计划。该建筑是一栋独立的房屋,地下室未加热,三层楼,每层2套公寓,阁楼未加热。总加热地板面积为281.9?m_(2)。外墙是用坚固的砖石砌成的,大多数窗户是单层玻璃。没有隔热层。房间的供热由燃气锅炉和散热器提供。 DHW由5套公寓的单室电锅炉和一套公寓的燃气锅炉提供。通过白炽灯获得照明。拟议的改造包括:用硅酸钙水合物对垂直墙进行外部绝热,用矿棉进行阁楼绝热;更换窗户;安装用于加热,冷却和DHW的多功能空气-水热泵;用新的热交换器更换散热器; LED照明;安装光伏板。该建筑已通过TRNSYS 17进行了模拟,热泵已通过自己的MATLAB代码进行了模拟。改造将使一次能源(不包括电器)的年使用总量从332.5减少到44.8 kWh / m_(2),并将显着提高热舒适度。



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