首页> 外文期刊>Management Science Letters >An application of multiple criteria decision-making techniques for ranking different national Iranian oil refining and distribution companies

An application of multiple criteria decision-making techniques for ranking different national Iranian oil refining and distribution companies




Performance measurement plays an essential role on management of governmental agencies especially when profitability is not the primary concern and we need to consider other important factors than profitability such as customer satisfaction, etc. In this paper, we propose a multi-criteria decision making method to rank different national Iranian oil refining and distribution companies. The proposed study of this paper uses six factors including per capita supply, energy cost, physical productivity of labor, staff participation, quality control inspection of stations and education per capita. The proposed study uses Entropy to find the relative importance of each criterion and TOPSIS to rank 37 alternatives based on cities and three regions. The results of the implementation of our method indicate that central regions close to capital city of the country maintains the highest ranking (0.9122) while southern regions maintains the lowest comes in the lowest priority (0.0569) and the northern region is in the middle (0.7635).
机译:绩效评估在政府机构的管理中起着至关重要的作用,特别是在盈利能力不是首要考虑因素的情况下,我们需要考虑盈利能力以外的其他重要因素,例如客户满意度等。在本文中,我们提出了一种多准则决策方法排名不同的国家伊朗炼油和分销公司。本文的拟议研究使用了六个因素,包括人均供应,能源成本,劳动的实际生产率,员工参与度,车站的质量控制检查和人均教育程度。拟议的研究使用熵来找到每个标准的相对重要性,并使用TOPSIS根据城市和三个地区对37个替代方案进行排名。该方法的执行结果表明,靠近该国首都的中部地区排名最高(0.9122),而南部地区的最低地区排名最低(0.0569),而北部地区处于中间位置(0.7635) )。



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