首页> 外文期刊>Malaria Journal >The role of ENSO in understanding changes in Colombia's annual malaria burden by region, 1960–2006

The role of ENSO in understanding changes in Colombia's annual malaria burden by region, 1960–2006




Background Malaria remains a serious problem in Colombia. The number of malaria cases is governed by multiple climatic and non-climatic factors. Malaria control policies, and climate controls such as rainfall and temperature variations associated with the El Ni?o/Southern Oscillation (ENSO), have been associated with malaria case numbers. Using historical climate data and annual malaria case number data from 1960 to 2006, statistical models are developed to isolate the effects of climate in each of Colombia's five contrasting geographical regions. Methods Because year to year climate variability associated with ENSO causes interannual variability in malaria case numbers, while changes in population and institutional control policy result in more gradual trends, the chosen predictors in the models are annual indices of the ENSO state (sea surface temperature [SST] in the tropical Pacific Ocean) and time reference indices keyed to two major malaria trends during the study period. Two models were used: a Poisson and a Negative Binomial regression model. Two ENSO indices, two time reference indices, and one dummy variable are chosen as candidate predictors. The analysis was conducted using the five geographical regions to match the similar aggregation used by the National Institute of Health for its official reports. Results The Negative Binomial regression model is found better suited to the malaria cases in Colombia. Both the trend variables and the ENSO measures are significant predictors of malaria case numbers in Colombia as a whole, and in two of the five regions. A one degree Celsius change in SST (indicating a weak to moderate ENSO event) is seen to translate to an approximate 20% increase in malaria cases, holding other variables constant. Conclusion Regional differentiation in the role of ENSO in understanding changes in Colombia's annual malaria burden during 1960–2006 was found, constituting a new approach to use ENSO as a significant predictor of the malaria cases in Colombia. These results naturally point to additional needed work: (1) refining the regional and seasonal dependence of climate on the ENSO state, and of malaria on the climate variables; (2) incorporating ENSO-related climate variability into dynamic malaria models.
机译:背景技术疟疾在哥伦比亚仍然是一个严重的问题。疟疾病例的数量受多种气候和非气候因素的影响。疟疾控制政策和气候控制,例如与厄尔尼诺/南方涛动有关的降雨和温度变化,已与疟疾病例数相关。利用历史气候数据和1960年至2006年的年度疟疾病例数据,建立了统计模型,以隔离气候变化对哥伦比亚五个相对的地理区域中的每个区域的影响。方法由于与ENSO相关的逐年气候变化会导致疟疾病例数的年际变化,而人口和机构控制政策的变化会导致更为渐进的趋势,因此模型中选择的预测因子是ENSO状态的年度指标(海表温度[热带太平洋中的SST]和时间参考指数是研究期间两个主要疟疾趋势的关键。使用了两个模型:泊松模型和负二项式回归模型。选择两个ENSO索引,两个时间参考索引和一个虚拟变量作为候选预测变量。分析使用五个地理区域进行,以匹配美国国立卫生研究院用于其官方报告的类似汇总。结果发现负二项式回归模型更适合哥伦比亚的疟疾病例。趋势变量和ENSO测度都是整个哥伦比亚以及五个地区中两个地区疟疾病例数的重要预测指标。在保持其他变量不变的情况下,SST发生1摄氏度的变化(表明ENSO事件为弱到中等),意味着疟疾病例增加了大约20%。结论发现了ENSO在了解1960-2006年哥伦比亚年度疟疾负担变化中的作用方面存在地区差异,这构成了使用ENSO作为哥伦比亚疟疾病例重要预测指标的新方法。这些结果自然表明需要开展其他工作:(1)完善气候对ENSO州的区域和季节性依赖性,以及疟疾对气候变量的依赖性; (2)将ENSO相关的气候变异性纳入动态疟疾模型。



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