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Assessing the content and comprehensiveness of provincial and territorial indoor tanning legislation in Canada




Introduction : Canadian provincial and territorial governments have enacted legislation in response to health risks of artificial ultraviolet radiation from indoor tanning. This legislation, which differs from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, regulates the operation of indoor tanning facilities. The content and comprehensiveness of such legislation—and its differences across jurisdictions—have not been analyzed. To address this research gap, we conducted a systematic, comprehensive scan and content analysis on provincial and territorial indoor tanning legislation, including regulations and supplementary information. Methods : Legislative information was collected from the Canadian Legal Information Institute database and an environmental scan was conducted to locate supplementary information. Through a process informed by the content of the legislation, previous research and health authority recommendations, we developed a 59-variable codebook. Descriptive statistics were calculated. Results : All provinces and one of three territories have legislation regulating indoor tanning. Areas of strength across jurisdictions are youth access restrictions ( n = 11), posting of warning signs ( n = 11), penalties ( n = 11) and restrictions on advertising and marketing targeted to youth ( n = 7). Few jurisdictions, however, cover areas such as protective eyewear ( n = 4), unsupervised tanning ( n = 4), provisions for inspection frequency ( n = 4), misleading health claims in advertisements directed toward the general public ( n = 2) and screening of high-risk clients ( n = 0). Conclusion : All provinces and one territory have made progress in regulating the indoor tanning industry, particularly by prohibiting youth and using warning labels to communicate risk. Legislative gaps should be addressed in order to better protect Canadians from this avoidable skin cancer risk.
机译:简介:加拿大各省和地区政府已颁布法规,以应对室内鞣制产生的人造紫外线辐射对健康的危害。这项法律因辖区而异,对室内晒黑设备的运行进行了规范。此类立法的内容和全面性及其在不同司法管辖区之间的差异尚未得到分析。为了弥补这一研究空白,我们对省和地区的室内晒黑法规进行了系统,全面的扫描和内容分析,包括法规和补充信息。方法:从加拿大法律信息研究所的数据库中收集立法信息,并进行环境扫描以查找补充信息。通过立法内容,先前的研究和卫生当局的建议,我们开发了一个59变量的密码本。计算描述统计量。结果:所有省份和三个地区之一都制定了管制室内晒黑的法律。各个辖区的优势领域是青年进入限制(n = 11),张贴警告标志(n = 11),处罚(n = 11)以及针对青少年的广告和营销限制(n = 7)。但是,很少有司法管辖区涵盖保护性眼镜(n = 4),无监督晒黑(n = 4),检查频率规定(n = 4),针对大众的广告中的误导健康声明(n = 2)等领域并筛选高风险客户(n = 0)。结论:所有省份和一个地区都在规范室内制革业方面取得了进展,特别是禁止年轻人使用并使用警告标签传达风险。为了更好地保护加拿大人避免这种可避免的皮肤癌风险,应该解决立法上的空白。



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